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Cyber Recovery: Windows NetWorker Server application recovery in vault fails with an error 'cp: preserving permissions for '/etc/hosts_nw_recovery_123456': Permission denied"

概要: Cyber Recovery: Windows NetWorker Server application recovery in vault fails with an error 'Failed to run: 'cp -p /etc/hosts /etc/hosts_nw_recovery_123456' err: Process exited with status 1 stderr: cp: preserving permissions for '/etc/hosts_nw_recovery_123456': Permission denied' ...




Application recovery for a NetWorker Server running on Windows fails with this error stack in the Cyber Recovery 'apps.log'.
[2022-10-12 11:48:03.879] [INFO] [apps] [RecoverNetWorkerApp.go:142 RunNWWorkflow()] : Current Task Number: 1
[2022-10-12 11:48:03.879] [INFO] [apps] [RecoverNetWorkerApp.go:144 RunNWWorkflow()] : Task Name: 10- About NetWorker
[2022-10-12 11:48:03.879] [INFO] [apps] [restapi_client.go:256 CallRESTAPI()] : Methods is :GET URL is:
[2022-10-12 11:48:03.916] [INFO] [apps] [RecoverNetWorkerApp.go:223 NWAbout()] : Gathering information about Networker host:
[2022-10-12 11:48:03.917] [INFO] [apps] [RecoverNetWorkerApp.go:234 NWAbout()] : NW Version:
[2022-10-12 11:48:03.917] [INFO] [apps] [RecoverNetWorkerApp.go:251 NWAbout()] : Networker Rest API URI:
[2022-10-12 11:48:03.941] [INFO] [apps] [restauth.go:68 func1()] : GET /irapi/v6/apps/6345b72b9a6dd20001dc9eae Start GetAppByID
[2022-10-12 11:48:03.943] [INFO] [apps] [restauth.go:102 func1()] : GET /irapi/v6/apps/6345b72b9a6dd20001dc9eae End GetAppByID Elapsed=1.208648ms
[2022-10-12 11:48:03.947] [INFO] [apps] [RecoverNetWorkerApp.go:142 RunNWWorkflow()] : Current Task Number: 2
[2022-10-12 11:48:03.947] [INFO] [apps] [RecoverNetWorkerApp.go:144 RunNWWorkflow()] : Task Name: 12- Before Networker Recovery
[2022-10-12 11:48:03.973] [INFO] [apps] [ddssh.go:693 CreateSSHClientConn()] : Establish SSH connection using credential
[2022-10-12 11:48:03.973] [INFO] [apps] [ddssh.go:716 CreateSSHClientConn()] : SSH connecting to 
[2022-10-12 11:48:04.168] [INFO] [apps] [ddssh.go:317 RunSSHCmd()] : Running: cp -p /etc/hosts /etc/hosts_nw_recovery_1234561665568083
[2022-10-12 11:48:04.379] [ERROR] [apps] [ddssh.go:322 RunSSHCmd()] : Failed to run: 'cp -p /etc/hosts /etc/hosts_nw_recovery_1234561665568083' err: Process exited with status 1 stderr: cp: preserving permissions for '/etc/hosts_nw_recovery_1234561665568083': Permission denied
[2022-10-12 11:48:04.379] [ERROR] [apps] [appsUtils.go:147 BackupHostFile()] : Process exited with status 1 stderr: cp: preserving permissions for '/etc/hosts_nw_recovery_1234561665568083': Permission denied
 cp: preserving permissions for '/etc/hosts_nw_recovery_1234561665568083': Permission denied
[2022-10-12 11:48:04.379] [ERROR] [apps] [RecoverNetWorkerApp.go:294 NWPreRecovery()] : Unable to create backup copy of /etc/hosts on

Cygwin is installed and configured correctly on the Windows based NetWorker Server according to the instructions mentioned in the Cyber Recovery installation guide.


If Cygwin is installed on a standard Windows server the same issue is observed when running the same 'cp -p /etc/hosts /etc/hosts_rec_123456' command manually.
Administrator@vm2836 ~
$ cp -p /etc/hosts /etc/hosts_nw_rec_1234
cp: preserving permissions for ‘/etc/hosts_nw_rec_1234’: Permission denied

Administrator@vm2836 ~
$ file /etc/hosts
/etc/hosts: symbolic link to /proc/cygdrive/c/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts

Administrator@vm2836 ~
$ cp -p /proc/cygdrive/c/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts /etc/hosts_rec_12345678
cp: preserving permissions for ‘/etc/hosts_rec_12345678’: Permission denied

The only thing that works is to omit the '-p' option from the 'cp' command which works fine. The '-p' option is used to preserve the file characteristics during the copy.
Administrator@vm2836 ~
$ cp /etc/hosts /etc/hosts_nw_rec_1234

Cyber Recovery has two code paths when doing NetWorker application recovery one for Linux based servers and one for Windows based servers. In this case, when the recovery ran, it showed that the application type was Linux instead of Windows.  When the NetWorker application was added it did not get the correct information to set the apps type to Windows, and instead it was set as Linux and that is the reason why cp -p is used when backing up the /etc/hosts file. In the Window's code path the '-p' option is not used.


The solution is to delete the existing NetWorker application and add it again correctly so that the operating system type shows up as Windows and not Linux.



PowerProtect Cyber Recovery, NetWorker


Cyber Recovery Series


23 11月 2022



