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SupportAssist Enterprise - "Unable to configure SNMP"

概要: SupportAssist Enterprise should be able to configure automatically the remote SNMP device. In some cases this feature doesn't work and needs to be configured manually. After adding a server in SupportAssist Enterprise, the following error is displayed "unable to configure SNMP". ...




After adding a server in SupportAssist Enterprise, the following error is displayed "Unable to configure SNMP".

SupportAssist Enterprise should be able to configure automatically the remote SNMP device. In some cases, this feature doesn't work and needs to be configured manually.


Table of Content

  1. Symptom description
  2. Option "Configure SNMP"
  3. Configure the IP target under Windows Operating System
  4. Configure the IP target under iDRAC


1. Symptom description

After adding a server in SupportAssist Enterprise, the following error is displayed "Unable to configure SNMP". The normal scenario is that the remote device should be automatically configured.


Clicking on the error description will display this message or similar for Windows:
SNMP settings of the device could not be configured because all te configurable fields of the integrated Dell Remote Access Controller (iDRAC) are occupied.
Error code: 5000_3


2. Option "Configure SNMP" in SupportAssist Enterprise

As a first step, using the SupportAssist Enterprise console, please select the server and select the option "Configure SNMP".
SupportAssist Enterprise will try to apply the configuration on the remote device.


If it doesn't work please go to step 3 (under Windows) or 4 (under iDRAC) to manually configure the device.


3. Configure the IP target under Windows Operating System

Navigate into the "SNMP Service Properties" of the Local Computer, using the "Services" Menu.
In the tab "Traps", please add the IP address of the SupportAssist Enterprise server.


A few seconds later the device should be discovered in the console and the status will move to "Ok".

SLN304454_en_US__4sae ok




4. Configure the IP target under iDRAC

Please navigate into the remote iDRAC in the menu: Overview, Server, Alerts and finally into the tab "SNMP and Email Settings".
Then, manually add the IP of the SupportAssist Enterprise server and click Apply.



SLN304454_en_US__5icon Note: If all iDRAC destinations are occupied you will need to remove some that are no longer required.


A few seconds later the device should be discovered in the console and the status will move to "Ok".

SLN304454_en_US__4sae ok

If you still experience issues please contact the Dell Support.









20 9月 2021



