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PowerFlex: How To Collect PowerFlex Manager Platform (PFMP) And PFMP Installer Support Data

Summary: This article describes the basic steps required to collect support data from a Kubernetes-based PowerFlex Manager Platform (PFMP) system and the PFMP installer. Support data is collected using a stand-alone, single-file utility, pfmp_support. As such, the utility's executable can be copied to and executed on the host from which support data is to be collected. Using this utility does not require a functioning PFMP. As such, support data can be collected during PFMP installation or when the PFMP UI is inaccessible. ...

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For options not detailed in this article, refer to the utility's usage message.

pfmp_support --help

Collect PowerFlex Manager Platform Support Data

  1. If necessary, transfer the data collection executable, pfmp_support, to all PowerFlex Manager Platform (PFMP) cluster member hosts.
    The utility is provided with the PFMP installer, under the PFMP_Installer/scripts directory.
  2. On one of the cluster member nodes, execute the data collection utility as a user with superuser permissions, such as user root.
In the example below, the utility's executable exists under /root.
# /root/pfmp_support
estimating required space
cleaning up temporary directories
collecting kubernetes data
collecting shared kubernetes data
collecting server data
collecting general hardware data
collecting network data
collecting storage data
preparing files for collection
generating bundle
cleaning up temporary directories
bundle available at '/tmp/powerflex-pfmpsupport/pfmpSupport.tgz'
  1. If the PFMP cluster consists of more than one node, on each of the remaining nodes, execute the utility as a user with superuser permissions, such as user root, skipping shared Kubernetes data collection.
# /root/pfmp_support --skip-kubernetes-shared
estimating required space
cleaning up temporary directories
collecting kubernetes data
collecting server data
collecting general hardware data
collecting network data
collecting storage data
preparing files for collection
generating bundle
cleaning up temporary directories
bundle available at '/tmp/powerflex-pfmpsupport/pfmpSupport.tgz'
  1. From all cluster member nodes, provide the resulting support bundle files to PowerFlex Support.
    By default, bundle files are named /tmp/powerflex-pfmpsupport/pfmpSupport.tgz.

Collect PowerFlex Manager Platform Installer Support Data

  1. On the PowerFlex Manager Platform (PFMP) installer host, execute the data collection utility, pfmp_support, as a user with superuser permissions, such as user root.
    The utility can be found in the location the installer was extracted, under the PFMP_Installer/scripts directory.
    In the example below the PFMP installer was extracted under /tmp/PFMP2-4.0.0-161.

    # /tmp/PFMP2-4.0.0-161/PFMP_Installer/scripts/pfmp_support
    estimating required space
    cleaning up temporary directories
    collecting kubernetes data
    collecting shared kubernetes data
    collecting server data
    collecting general hardware data
    collecting network data
    collecting storage data
    preparing files for collection
    generating bundle
    cleaning up temporary directories
    bundle available at '/tmp/powerflex-pfmpsupport/pfmpSupport.tgz'
  2. Provide the resulting support bundle file to PowerFlex Support.
    By default, bundle files are named /tmp/powerflex-pfmpsupport/pfmpSupport.tgz.

Additional Information

For a quick introduction about PowerFlex Manager Platform (PFMP) in PowerFlex 4.0, please refer to An Introduction to the Unified PowerFlex Manager Platform | Dell Technologies Info Hub.



Affected Products

PowerFlex rack, PowerFlex Appliance, PowerFlex custom node, PowerFlex custom node
Article Properties
Article Number: 000203573
Article Type: How To
Last Modified: 21 Aug 2023
Version:  5
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