Superuser Profile

Date Joined:
June 5, 2009
Solutions 3
Likes Received 72
Likes Given 29


morblore • Joined 

June 5th, 2009

About me

<p>My name is Odell and I am a Native American. I went to state college in Florida and now have a wife and son. We live in Florida with two cats, two dogs and a bunch of fish [:D]  <br /><br />I've had a lot of roles over my life from flipping burgers to tech support for canning and towing companies. I love computer gaming when I have the time and I'm a big fan of Alienware computers. I own the Alienware Area 51 computer with all the bells and whistles. It's a beast of a system and I am always upgrading it.</p>

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XPS 8960

XPS 8960

Alienware Aurora R16

Alienware Aurora R16

Latitude 7430

Latitude 7430

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