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March 18th, 2010 16:00

Create pool and Profile


I want to create a new pool and profile, but i have some quiestion about it


I will use the following command:

create pool acuotest

Pool Mask {rdqeDcw}:

Pool Quota: 500Gb

Issue This command?

(Yes,no): Yes


I will create the profile:

create profile acuotest_pro

Profile  Secre {Generate}:obfuscated

Enable Profile: Yes

Monitor Capability: no

Profile Metadata capability: no

Profile Type: Access

Home Pool :acuotest

Granted Rights for the profile in the home pool: rdqeDcw

Issue This command?

(Yes,no): Yes

Establish a pool entry authorization: yes

Enter the pool authorization creation: acuotest.pea

is it correct?

Best regards

March 19th, 2010 00:00


Your create pool would work but leave the pool mask a bit too open. Query (q) and Privileged Delete (D) are not normally needed and I suggest you remove them from the pool mask.

The create profile should look similar to the statement from the example below taken from the Centera Tools online help installed with the documentation:

create profile Payroll

Enable Profile? (yes, no) [yes]: y

Set Data Access Capabilities (yes, no) [no]: y

    Profile Type (access, cluster) [access]: a

    Home Pool [default]: Salary

    Granted Rights for the Profile in the Home Pool [rdqeDcw-]:

    Profile-Metadata Capability? (yes, no) [no]: y

Set Cluster Management Roles (yes, no) [no]: n

Profile Secret (prompt, generate, file) [generate]:

Issue the command?

(yes, no) [no]: y

Establish a Pool Entry Authorization for application use? (yes, no) [no]: y

Please enter PEA file location: c:\temp\payroll.pea

As you can see from the example, also here the profile capabilities are by far too open. Query, Privileged Delete and ClipCopy (c) should be removed. If you replicate the replication profile should have dec as capabilities. If replicated the pool should be exported and imported on the secondary and the .pea files merged. All of this can be found in the online help.


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