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May 27th, 2005 01:00

Explorer, internet explorer, and Windows Media Player crashing frequently

I have a Dell Inpiron 2650 with Windows XP, and for almost a month now I have noticed that my explorer and internet explorer has been crashing frequently while using it.  The folder I use the most on my computer is my music folder which has about 1,000 songs in it separated into about 20 folders, but I have 512 MB of Ram so freezing is not the issue.  I would choose a song to listen to with Windows Media Player and every so often the explorer would go down, and I would get the unexpected error message and the choice to choose send error or close.  This also happens when trying to stream a Windows Media Player Video on websites and since I noticed Windows Media Player was in both I rolled back my WMP software back one to the next software WMP 9 Series and the streaming still does not work.  Any ideas on what is wrong or how to fix it would be appreciated.

28K Posts

May 27th, 2005 01:00

Download, install, update, and run the free versions of Ad-Aware and Spybot and let these programs remove all of the garbage that they find.

If these programs don't solve the problem, go Here and follow the directions to download and run the analysis tool called HijackThis. Generate a log file, then open it and copy and paste the text of the log file in a message in the HijackThis forum where a HijackThis expert can offer advice on how to fix the problem.


1.3K Posts

May 27th, 2005 06:00

i think the problem could be caused by anti-trojan programs that you have installed.. i have seen the new version of boclean, build 4.12, cause windows media player to "freeze", though i have not noticed that happening, lately.. 
also, i have seen "a-squared personal" cause "explorer" and "internet explorer" to crash when it is run while other anti-trojan programs like boclean or trojanhunter are also running.. if you are using prevx or a-squared, or some other similar program, like panda's truprevent, or resplendence's "principal antivirus", along with trojanhunter or boclean, there is a conflict between those..
something else that can cause "explorer" to freeze and/or crash is if your cd-burning program is set to burn directly to cd's.. (i don't use a cdrw so i am not familiar with using them)
otherwise, i would look for some other software conflicts..  


Message Edited by redwolfe_98 on 05-27-2005 03:49 PM

May 27th, 2005 14:00

I have only one start up program which is my anit virus program AVG is the name all other start ups are uncheck from the start up dialog when you go to Run>msconfig and I do not listen to CDs from my disk drive so there is nothing for it to burn but I will check the settings, I mainly listen to files on my computer. The only software that I use to clean my computer is Ad-Aware and Spybot. My windows media player doesn't really freeze, the file in the window goes yellow indicating that there is an error and then I get the Unexpected Error message to shut down Windows Media Player along with Explorer.

Thanks again.
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