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This post is more than 5 years old


4 Posts


June 23rd, 2006 16:00

Help please, error "ATI control panel failed to initialize.."

Help please,20060623 Inspiron 4150 with Mobile Radeon 7500 had driver upgrade recently by others, since then an error message displays on start up "ATI control panel failed to initialize because no ATI driver ois installed or ATI driver is notworking properly. The ATI control panel will now close."

Windows device manager says device driver is Ok and working.

No ATI control panel has displayed before, so I do not know what this is or whatitis meant to do.

Any help?

1 Rookie


168 Posts

June 23rd, 2006 17:00

Just a guess, but have you downloaded and installed Microsoft .Net Framework 1.1 from Microsoft's update site (it's listed under optional updates, not critical ones)?  Its required for ATI Control panel to function.

4 Posts

June 23rd, 2006 19:00

Thanks, I had noticed this and was doing so when I got your message. Many thanks.
I downloaded .NET 1.1 updates and their seurity updates and NET 2 as Windows installer said 'option' for NET 2.
After all loaded and installed, error still shows at start up, but now there is a ATI update specified in hardware sectionof windows update system, this downloads but does not install. 3 attemps to install give only 'unsuccessful in isatalling update'.

Any comments?
All comments appreciated.

1 Rookie


168 Posts

June 23rd, 2006 21:00

Generally its a good idea to avoid the graphics driver updates found on Microsoft's Update site; they're usually outdated, and in one instance when I owned an Inspiron 2600, they offered the wrong graphics driver for my model.
1) From what I understand, someone updated your graphics driver and these problems arose?  If that's the case, you can rollback (revert) your graphics driver to the last previous version.  If that is indeed the case, reply confirming that and I'll show you how you can do so.
2) If that is not the case, then you can try downloading the last driver for your card from Dell's site (maybe the person who downloaded those problemic drivers installed the wrong ones).  These are usually quite old, but are generally pretty stable.  If you're using Windows XP, your drivers are available here:
Note: If step 1 describes your issue, do not take step 2.  If you do so, you lose the ability to rollback your driver to that working version (because the Dell driver writes over the one you have on there now, so if you try to rollback then, it'll bring it back to the driver you're using currently).

Message Edited by MennoX on 06-23-200605:08 PM

4 Posts

June 24th, 2006 12:00

20060624 Thanks. The laptop is my son's, and I am 'finding the fault'. The screen did not work well, so at work he /or others downloaded a Dell driver - supposedly the newest. [Now from your help I know this is wrong, and it is an old driver. Thanks.] Their download gave no improvement and then they saw start up error message when viewed on an external monitor, as he was doing his college thesis at that time, they just continued on the monitor, until he had submitted thesis.

Now I am trying to sort out the laptop. Many Windows upgrades later (optional and security ones) including the NET ones. I find that there is a ‘slight ghost' of bright display on LCD of laptop for a mille-second when changing screen modes from monitor to monitor and LCD. However on start up when on monitor alone, the ATI message comes up, so this is not hardware related.

I feel hardware problem is the display inverter and I have booked into service shop to sort that out.
The software:
Current Driver is "ati2mtag.sys" dated 16 June 2006 , (Now I assume this Windows information is the date of download to machine, not date of driver ), and is shown as 'supported' in Windows. Probing device manager after your help shows details to be ATI 26/09/2002 version Thanks for allowing me to search beyond Windows response that "driver is working".

I will try to update driver to A07 from your link.

link to A07 M7 driver current.

Many thanks.

1 Rookie


168 Posts

June 24th, 2006 13:00

Did you try Driver rollback?  It seems as if these problems arose when he downloaded the new driver; with Driver rollback it will revert back to that driver that worked well.  If you haven't downloaded the one in the link yet (if you did, you cannot rollback), you can rollback your driver by doing the following:

1) Go to Start, and select Control Panel.  Click on Performance and Maintanence, and finally select System.

2) In the new window that appears, click on the Hardware tab, and then click Device Manager.

3) Another window will appear; find Display Adapters and click the + sign next to it.  Your graphics card will then display underneath.  Right-click on it and select Properties.

4) Click on the Driver tab, and then click on Roll back driver.  You may hear your computer working in the background for 30-60 seconds as it reverts back to the last previous driver you had on your computer.  It may state that you have to restart before your settings take effect.

If that doesn't work either, you can try uninstalling, and then re-installing the graphics drivers.  Uninstall through Control Panel Add/Remove programs, and then install  that driver from the Dell link.

Message Edited by MennoX on 06-24-200609:36 AM

4 Posts

June 27th, 2006 16:00

Many thanks. problem solved. However it was not with recommended driver on Dell site but with ATI Radeon driver, which works ok.

Thank you for all your help which put me on the right track.
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