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This post is more than 5 years old


149 Posts


January 4th, 2008 16:00

File download problems

HI all,
I am having problems with my file downloads..some of them i will download and if you click on them it wont do anything, nothing pops up nothing. so i thought maybe it was that i needed winzip well guess not it has done same. I have  Pic on this link to show waht the files look like.
Plz click on this Link to see the pic
If anyone has a fix or know what the problem is plz let me know
thanks for any help you can give

January 4th, 2008 21:00

These are Rich Text Format files (wordpad files) Right click on the icon point to open with... click on wordpad click ok and the file will open in wordpad.

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15 Posts

January 4th, 2008 23:00

From your picture, it looks like these files are properly associated.  If a left double-click does nothing, it's possible that WordPad (or a system component of it) has crashed.  Have you tried rebooting your computer and trying again?

149 Posts

January 5th, 2008 04:00

and also I have rebooted computer and have tried on diff days to do this and still same thing

149 Posts

January 5th, 2008 04:00

Ok I opened it with wordpad but can't read it, it's either a foreign language or computer language. They are suppose to be a program to install on the computer but its only d/l that one thing. One is a winzip program and other is a coffeecup free zip program. I've never had this to happen and Ive d/l and installed plenty of software. It makes no sense to me at all.
thanks for your replies

15 Posts

January 5th, 2008 04:00

Oh wait ...
These are supposed to be programs????  The icons in your picture don't give the file extensions for the files but they indicate that the existing file extensions are being interpreted as some sort of word processing documents associated with WordPad ... perhaps with a .wpd, .doc  or  .rtf extension.
If the contents of these files are supposed to be executable code, they would naturally look like gibberish if you force them to open in WordPad.  You could force them to run as programs by renaming them to .exe files, but I must warn you ... only do this ... and I stress ONLY do this if you are totally rock solid on the legitimacy of the source of those files.  Even if you are, virus scan them before you try changing the extension and running them.  Better yet ... if you need an unzip program, invest the $20 or so and buy one rather than dowloading them from the Internet.

15 Posts

January 5th, 2008 05:00

When you download a file, your computer has absolutely NO idea what the file is for.  Instead, it depends on the file extension (the 3 characters after the dot) to tell it what program to use with that file when you double-click on it.  For example, if I were to send you a Word document but I called it "myfile.jpg" instead of "myfile.doc" ... your computer would try to open it as a picture even though it isn't.  The problem here isn't with your computer ... it's with the file extensions of the files you found on the Internet.  That in itself makes me very suspicious.
Winzip is fine and it's cheap.  It costs $30 from it's manufacturer at  I use ExtractNow (which came with my computer) ... it's freeware available at

149 Posts

January 5th, 2008 05:00

what zip program would u recommend? Ive used winzip in the past but never have bought one. IF i do buy one it still wont solve my problem on why these are d/l like this instead of the .exe files. Would i have something missing in my computer to keep it from d/l the whole files?

149 Posts

January 5th, 2008 16:00

thanks for the site will try that
the files i tried to d/l came from which ive always used. Its really weird cus ive never had this to happen before. I'm lost and confused on this issue lol
thanks again

15 Posts

January 5th, 2008 16:00

Ahhhhh ... that explains it.  The only files that were coming down were some auxiliary files and not the programs themselves.  I'm so glad you got it fixed.  ExtractNow works very well at unzipping both .zip and .rar files well by the way.

Message Edited by carl1222 on 01-05-2008 12:26 PM

149 Posts

January 5th, 2008 16:00

well guess what? I d/l extract now from the site u had on here which is also and same thing. Can't install its the same thing as what is in the pics i posted
now this is really starting to make me angry:smileymad:
I don't know what is going on with this...Ive never ran into this before! Never had problems trying to d/l and install a program before like this
Its as if part of the d/l isnt d/ling or something
or its clue

149 Posts

January 5th, 2008 16:00

found out what the problem darn firewall!!!! It's with my CA security suite...normally it would ask to allow or not and I got to thinking I'll disable it and see, sure enough I d/l and installed the extract now with np. I knew it had to be something simple cus never had this problem before so I guess that firewall was letting parts of the d/l onto my pc and not others. so for now on its disabled
thanks for all your info and feedback
I think I can say its fixed now!!
thanks again

149 Posts

January 6th, 2008 01:00

Yup,, that is a firewall ive not ever used so didnt know it did that but am so happy I figured it out!!!
I d/l the extract now and will try it out
thanks alot
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