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Avamar VM Image backup fails with error: vSphere Task failed: 'Unable to access file since it is locked'.

Summary: The issue normally occurs when the proxy fails to un-mount the disks after a successful backup causing a locking issue.

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The logs show the error below:
2020-01-27 09:31:25 avvcbimage Info <14631>: VM Disk Consolidation for '[Avamar_Prod_ClusterA_avamar] avamar03/avamar.vmx' task still in progress, sleep for 3 sec
2020-01-27 09:31:28 avvcbimage Error <16006>: vSphere Task failed: 'Unable to access file  since it is locked'.
2020-01-27 09:31:28 avvcbimage Error <14635>: VM Disk Consolidation for '[Avamar_Prod_ClusterA_avamar] avamar03/avamar03.vmx' task creation encountered a problem
2020-01-27 09:31:28 avvcbimage Info <40733>: VM Disk consolidation is not complete, moref 'vm-123456'.
2020-01-27 09:31:28 avvcbimage Warning <40644>: VM needs consolidation failed



The issue normally occurs when the proxy fails to un-mount the disks after a successful backup causing a locking issue.


Use the below steps to fix the issue:

1) Make sure no backups are running and run the below commands on Avamar node via Putty:

java -jar proxycp.jar --listsnapshots --cleanup
java -jar proxycp.jar --listproxydisk --cleanup
java -jar proxycp.jar --consolidatesnapshots --vm <REPLACEWITHVMNAME>

If the above steps did not work:

2) Consolidate manually via vSphere web client.

If it did not work and it failed to consolidate:

3) Engage VMware admin and share the article below:

Affected Products

PowerProtect Data Protection Appliance, Avamar
Article Properties
Article Number: 000069304
Article Type: Solution
Last Modified: 16 Oct 2021
Version:  3
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