On Windows based operating systems, there is no "NetWorker Management Console" package listed under "Programs and Features"; this means that in order to uninstall the NMC package the entire NetWorker installation package must be removed. Once removed the wanted packages (example: client, storage node, server) can be reinstalled.
NOTE: Actions that involve removal of packages or system changes are not to be performed by NetWorker support. NetWorker support can be engaged; however, any actions that require changes to the systems installation packages or registries must be performed by the system administrator. If assistance with this process is required engage the Windows System Administrator; Dell Professional Services can also be used for installations and upgrade processes. To engage with professional services reach out to your Dell Sales Rep or Site Account Manager.
The NMC can be uninstalled independently from the NetWorker installation with the following process.
1. Open an Admin command prompt on the system where NMC package is installed.
2. Stop the NMC (gstd) services:
net stop gstd
3. Confirm that NMC service has stopped:
tasklist | findstr gst
NOTE: EMC GST services can also be checked from Windows services.msc.
4. Get the IdentifyingNumber of the NMC package with the following command:
wmic product where "Vendor = 'Dell EMC'" get name, IdentifyingNumber, PackageName
C:\Windows\system32>wmic product where "Vendor = 'Dell EMC'" get name, IdentifyingNumber, PackageName
IdentifyingNumber Name PackageName
{0317FA50-2488-412D-A28D-4DEC6DF30CC6} NetWorker NwClientMsi.msi
{858F1D71-AF6A-4467-BD70-C83274EFEAAA} Config Checker CfgChkMsi.msi
{A815B1B7-28F5-4E3B-94D7-89833CB86AAD} NetWorker Management Console NMC.msi
{FB16A069-347F-4C3C-A974-34A344F7CD50} NetWorker Module for Microsoft NMM.msi
5. Using the IdentifyingNumber outputted, run the following command to remove the NMC package:
wmic product where "IdentifyingNumber = '{IdentifyingNumber}'" call uninstall
C:\Windows\system32>wmic product where "IdentifyingNumber = '{A815B1B7-28F5-4E3B-94D7-89833CB86AAD}'" call uninstall
Executing (\\WINSRVR2K16\ROOT\CIMV2:Win32_Product.IdentifyingNumber="{A815B1B7-28F5-4E3B-94D7-89833CB86AAD}",Name="NetWorker Management Console",Version="")->Uninstall()
Method execution successful.
Out Parameters:
instance of __PARAMETERS
ReturnValue = 0;
6. Confirm that NMC services were removed: sc query state=all | findstr EMC
NOTE: If no output is returned, all the GST (NMC) related services have been removed.
Uninstalling NetWorker packages does not delete the package folder. To delete the left over NMC files the ..\EMC NetWorker\Management folder (default) must be deleted.
If NMC (gst) services are not removed the following commands can be used.
1. Get a list of the "EMC GST" services:
sc query state=all | findstr EMC
2. Use the following sc command to delete the services:
sc delete service_name
C:\Users\Administrator.EMCLAB>sc delete gstd
[SC] DeleteService SUCCESS
C:\Users\Administrator.EMCLAB>sc delete gstsnmptrapd
[SC] DeleteService SUCCESS
NetWorker: How to remove NetWorker when uninstall or upgrade failed (Windows)