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1 Rookie


2 Posts


June 25th, 2024 22:05

XPS 8960, frequent freeze not responding with USB storage devices

XPS 8960

XPS 8960

We have an XPS 8960 i9-13900K, 64GB, PC801 NVMe SK hynix 1TB, RTX 4070, Windows 11 purchased in February 2024.  Since the beginning have had significant issues, mostly related to freezing and windows and applications "Not Responding" consistently when accessing any USB storage device.

When opening an Explorer window, clicking within, opening folders, creating or copying new files about 1 our of every 5 actions on an external USB drive causes the Explorer window to hang with "Not Responding" for anywhere from 10-20 seconds. When this happens the Disk Utilization for that USB drive goes up to 100%.  When it drops immediately down the window/process continues to work again.

We have done all of these steps and there has been no change to the issue at all.

  • Re-installed Windows from the Recovery Partition
  • Downloaded ISO from Microsoft of Windows 11 and did a clean install
  • Updated to latest Dell BIOS (2.6.0)
  • Updated all drivers to latest Microsoft WCHP/Windows Update drivers
  • Updated all drivers to latest Dell using SupportAssist

We have tried multiple USB drive types (Seagate USB 3.0, Standard Flash "thumb" drives) with different cables and the result is always the same.  We have reformatted drives using both exFAT and NTFS, run chkdsk, etc.  The issue occurs even with the drives are blank.

There is no significant CPU, Application or network usage when this occurs that correlates at all.  This can happen within moments of being booted when nothing else is running, exactly the same as if there are many things running.

Here are some screenshots of what we are seeing.  In this example I simply tried to create a folder, and in the other I deleted it.  Creating a new file, opening a folder, copying or any action within the drive causes this to occur.  The problem also occurs accessing data from it through programs or applications, not just Windows Explorer.

Would appreciate any thoughts or suggestions.


10 Elder


44K Posts

June 27th, 2024 01:00

Might be a bum motherboard. 

Your PC should still be under warranty, so contact Dell Tech Support for assistance. Have your Service Tag handy. (Don't post Service Tag here.) 

Post back and let us know how this gets fixed.

Community Manager


54.7K Posts

June 27th, 2024 15:38

Have you tested these USB storage devices on all seven of the XPS 8960 USB-A ports to see if all ports have the same issue?
* 3 front
* 4 rear

1 Rookie


2 Posts

June 27th, 2024 20:01

@DELL-Chris M​ Yes, we have. No difference.  Have also tried a powered USB 3 hub, and it makes no difference. Same behavior on all USB drives.


10 Elder


44K Posts

June 29th, 2024 00:28

IMO, it's time to get that motherboard, and possibly the PSU, replaced under warranty...


1 Rookie


3 Posts

July 18th, 2024 06:51

I just wanted to let know that we have the very same problem.

Configuration: XPS 8960 i9-13900K, 64GB, PC801 NVMe SK hynix 1TB, RTX 4080, Windows 11 

Sudden freezes or applications not responding or stuttering.

Tried a lot things - Reinstalling OS from scratch, Installing different OS (Windows 11 22H2, Windows 10 21H2 LTSC IoT), all Drivers are up to date, all OS Microsoft patches are installed

Beside that there is problem with the Intel Innovation Platform drivers. On all OS we are experiencing two Event Errors in the EventLogs when starting the computer (undepending from installed OS and the sequence of driver installing)

Event ID 17 "IPF"  ( ESIF(Driver-Number) TYPE: ERROR MODULE: IPF TIME 

According to Intel: "ESIF TYPE: ERROR MODULE: IPF TIME shows a potential problem with the Intel Innovation Platform Framework (IPF) or Intel Speed Shift Technology (SST) on Intel-based PCs.

Some possible reasons for this error are:

• Damaged or outdated drivers

• Hardware malfunction or mismatch

• Wrong BIOS settings

Dell Diagnosis on Boot (F12) or Dell Support Assists Tool for Windows do not show any anomalies

We just do not know what to do any further?
An answer from Dell is really appreciated.

10 Elder


44K Posts

July 18th, 2024 19:43

@rukla71f9e  Read this about possible ways to fix the TYPE: ERROR MODULE: IPF TIME errors... 

And FWIW, same error has been seen on non-Dell PCs, as posted in the Intel forum.  At least in that case, it was being caused by video drivers. So suggest you use DDU (free) to remove all traces of the installed NVidia driver.

Download the latest NVidia driver for your GPU from Dell's XPS 8960 Support page but do not install it. Then run DDU. Be sure to follow DDU instructions about booting in Safe Mode, with internet connection disabled.  When DDU is done, install the NVidia driver you already downloaded. See if that helps...

1 Rookie


3 Posts

July 21st, 2024 14:08


Thanks for your advice.

Unfortunately uninstalling the Nvidia graphic driver with DDU in safe mode, restarting and reinstalling the driver afterwards did not help.

I am well aware that the IPF error is not only showing on Dell XPS systems... (the link you mentioning is excactly the one I did copy the Intel comment from).

But I am wondering if the IPF error (Event ID 17) arrises on other XPS 8960 systems too.

The XPS 8960 in the mentioned configuration did cost a lot of money, and freezes, crashes, driver errors should not occur.

They do little to make Dell computers a good buy, if you are affected yourself, especially when there are quite a few threads on various internet forums about XPS desktop computers that don't respond, freeze or crash.
And if Dell tends to keep quiet about it, then even more so.

One more point to mention is the Intel CPU problem with CPUs of the i9-13900k and i9-14900k series.
Enter “i9 13900k crash” in a search engine of your choice and take a look at the results.

Unfortunately, the XMP workarounds offered by Dell cannot be set on the BIOS side.

I don't know to what extent Dell drivers, Intel CPU problems and the stutterings, freezes and crashes affecting the XPS desktop systems go hand in hand.

What happens now is uncertain...
Complaint, exchange, repair?

In my opinion, Dell should provide updated drivers or bios updates so that stuttering, freezes and crashes no longer occur.

At least it would be a start if Dell confirms that the problems mentioned occur on XPS desktop systems.

1 Rookie


3 Posts

July 21st, 2024 14:12


Correction - it must read: ...Unfortunately, the XMP workarounds for BIOS offered by Dell in the Internet cannot be set on the BIOS side Dell XPS Systems...

10 Elder


44K Posts

July 21st, 2024 20:03

@rukla71f9e  - Since the error occurs on other systems, it's more likely to be a Microsoft and/or Intel software/hardware issue.  So they may be the ones that have to fix this.

If you're still under warranty, contact Dell Tech Support and work with them to decide what to do next... 

10 Elder


44K Posts

July 21st, 2024 20:05

@frankiekat  - What's the outcome of your little "adventure"? 

Did Dell replace the motherboard and/or PSU or do something else to resolve the USB problems?

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