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DELL-Chris M
Date Joined:
Nov 1, 2008
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DELL-Chris M

Community Manager

DELL-Chris M • Joined 

November 1st, 2008

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DELL-Chris M Forum Moderator/Liaison (Monitors, Desktops) Alienware Area-51 R2, Latitude 5480, Studio 1747, Monitors (D3218HN, two U3415W)

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DELL-Chris M
followed 's post

1 hour ago

I was normally using the laptop and after shutting it down I started to close it when it just started peeling from the right hinge. Upon checking online I saw that there were multiple people who faced the same problem. The laptop is very well maintained and has never fallen or had any mishaps. The s

DELL-Chris M
commented on 's post

1 hour ago

I was normally using the laptop and after shutting it down I started to close it when it just started peeling from the right hinge. Upon checking online I saw that there were multiple people who faced the same problem. The laptop is very well maintained and has never fallen or had any mishaps. The s

Dell USA hinge/hinge assembly policy

DELL-Chris M
followed 's post

6 hours ago

We are dealing in computer hardware and software. Now also we are willing to deal in with DELL brand for Desktop Computers and Laptops. I'm filling the Government Tender and its required the authorized letter from company. But I want to sell items through the Government eMarketplace (GEM) portal. I

DELL-Chris M
commented on 's post

6 hours ago

We are dealing in computer hardware and software. Now also we are willing to deal in with DELL brand for Desktop Computers and Laptops. I'm filling the Government Tender and its required the authorized letter from company. But I want to sell items through the Government eMarketplace (GEM) portal. I

* Go back to the top of this Customer Care board* Open, "BEFORE posting, check the Customer Care Wiki"* Open, "Customer Care Wiki"* Open, "Dell Partner GEM Program"

DELL-Chris M
commented on 's post

7 hours ago

Hi. Can I change my username, or is that done by Dell?


DELL-Chris M
followed 's post

8 hours ago

Hi. Can I change my username, or is that done by Dell?

DELL-Chris M
commented on 's post

8 hours ago

Hi. Can I change my username, or is that done by Dell?

I can change the username. To what?

DELL-Chris M
followed 's post

8 hours ago

Touchpad doesn't work? I already tried reinstalling the driver.

DELL-Chris M
commented on 's post

8 hours ago

Touchpad doesn't work? I already tried reinstalling the driver.

Dell Support must verify the ownership and warranty status. Click the blue "Get Help Now" on the right to start a private live chat session. Share the private m15 R2 Service Tag with them.How long have you owned this m15 R2? Did you buy it from Dell?

DELL-Chris M
followed 's post

9 hours ago

Sometime around 3-4 months ago, my Alienware Alpha began to randomly disconnect from wifi and I would have to re-connect. As time progressed so too did the severity of the problem. It would still disconnect but sometimes the Wi-Fi list wouldn’t even show any available connections. I was able to fix

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