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July 20th, 2016 17:00

SSL-VPN Unable to Connect - Windows 10


Our office has a SonicWall TZ105, with most recent firmware, and now with Windows 10, we are unable to connect via SSL-VPN.  The user name and password are correct, and I can connect with the Android app.  But in Windows 10, I have tried the MobileConnect App, most recent NetExtender from mysonicwall, used the terminal to create the VPN connection, and just manually made a VPN connection, and nothing works. 

The president of our company just got a new laptop, and it has Windows 10, and I'm hitting a wall everywhere, but need to get her connected to our office. 

Other VPN connections to other VPN servers work on that laptop, just not to our office.  It used to work with the same router settings on Windows 7.

Every different method of trying to connect is giving a different error.  The strangest to me is "The specified port is already open."  But there are no other connections to that port, and am still able to connect using my phone. 

Any ideas??  Thanks in advance!!

August 16th, 2016 14:00

I was able to fix the problem using NetExtender version 7.0.203, downloaded from  This was the only version (back to 5.0.?) that was successfully able to connect to our TZ105, with a Win10 laptop with all updates.

Hope this helps someone else, I was just about pulling my hair out...

July 21st, 2016 11:00

Using the SonicWall Mobile Connect app to connect errors with "Can't connect to..." "The specified port is already open."

Using the most recent NetExtender 8.0.241 from mysonicwall, it asked me to accept the certificate, to which I selected "Always Trust" , and then it says "The server is not reachable.  The server may be down or your internet settings may be down." and I get the an error in the log, here's a link to the screenshot of the SonicWall log error:

August 10th, 2016 16:00


August 13th, 2016 13:00

I'm seeing this with some of our Windows 10 Surface users too. I wish someone would respond if they know something that will help. Thanks!

August 15th, 2016 11:00

^^^ Sorry you're having issues, but I'm glad I'm not the only one, was beginning to think I was the only one still running into this...

Hopefully someone will have some input on this...

1 Message

September 24th, 2020 10:00

Despite the fact that the theme of this post is very old, but it really helped me today 

Many thanks from Berlin, from me and my team!

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