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This post is more than 5 years old



January 4th, 2004 17:00

Disappearing cursor....

I have a Dimension 8100 running XP.... after I leave the computer for a period of time when I return the cursor is gone and I have to shut down my computer by pushing in the power button....  any help?


6 Posts

January 4th, 2004 17:00



I'm not sure on how to tell if it goes into stand by... and no I do not have a screen saver

28K Posts

January 4th, 2004 17:00

What programs are running in the background when this occurs?  Have you experimented with shutting down background programs to see if you can isolate one that might be causing the problem?  Are you running a screensaver?  If so, have you experimented with using a different screensaver to see if one in particular is the source of the problem?   Soes our computer go inot standby?  If so, does the problem occur if it does not go into standby?


28K Posts

January 4th, 2004 18:00

To check for standby, right click on an empty space on your desktop and select Properties from the drop-dwon menu.  Click on the screen saver tab.  At the bottom, click on Power to see the power management settings and see if standby is enabled.  For future help in troubleshooting your problem (indeed anytime you post a message on these forums) it would be helpful to know which version of Windows you are running and what model computer you have.


28K Posts

January 4th, 2004 18:00

What programs are running in the background when this occurs?  Have you experimented with shutting down background programs to see if you can isolate one that might be causing the problem?  Are you running a screensaver?  If so, have you experimented with using a different screensaver to see if one in particular is the source of the problem?  

(I know these are the same questions I asked in my first reply, but you didn't give any indication that you tried to answer them).


6 Posts

January 4th, 2004 18:00

I'm not sure what I should be looking for .... I reviewed all the links but it really doesn't appear like there is one to solve my problem ????

6 Posts

January 4th, 2004 18:00

Steve... I checked and the system is not on standby... I have a Dell Dimension 8100 and I am running XP.

1.9K Posts

January 4th, 2004 18:00

Follow what Steve has posted - I also suspect you've got some app/program running in the background contributing to or causing this problem.

6 Posts

January 4th, 2004 21:00

Thanks for the response... but as I indicated to Steve.. sometimes it is just the desktop screen that is open... no other programs.



6 Posts

January 4th, 2004 21:00



This situation has happened to my wife more than myself.. I asked her and she indicates that she may not even be in a program... sometimes it is just he desktop screen.


28K Posts

January 5th, 2004 16:00

What programs are running in the background when this occurs?  Have you experimented with shutting down background programs to see if you can isolate one that might be causing the problem?

Again, until you answer all of the questions, it is difficult to help.  Do a Cntrl-Alt-Delete to see what background programs are running.  Shut one of them down.  See the if the problem occurs.  If it doesn't you know that the background program you shut down is causing the problem.  Tell us what it is.  If it doesn't, reboot, do Cntrl-Alt-Delete again and shut down a different program.  Repeat until you find the culprit.


4 Operator


20.1K Posts

January 5th, 2004 16:00

Open Task Manager, Processes tab and you'll see everything that's really running. You're running more things that you think.
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