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2 Posts


July 31st, 2023 07:00

SC8000: Problem to replace a HDD.

A few days ago we bought a batch of hard drives PN: W6YC4 FW version PE43 to replace the same drive 
models but with FW PE47 revision on a SC8000 unit. When I installed them on the storage, they were rejected with an incompatible drive error,
I have attached a screenshot from the storage manager. Could it be a FW revision problem? Can I do a FW update of the HDD outside of the storage or with
the storage in that state? Thank you so much!!

Imagen 5.jpeg


Imagen 6.jpeg


Imagen 2.jpeg

Imagen 3.jpeg






3.5K Posts

July 31st, 2023 13:00

Hello Fernando Carnero,


The error shows: disk drive line Unknown is not compatible with system.


Did you contact Sales and ask for SC8000 drives?


The firmware is loaded at purchase when you specify it is for Compellent SC8000.


It looks like the drives you have do not have compatible firmware.


I would recommend contact Sales and specify you need drive for SC8000.


August 1st, 2023 07:00

Thanks Charles!!
I suspected it was a fw problem, the drives were purchased from a local vendor,
I'm going to contact Dell directly to make a new purchase.


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