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September 1st, 2022 05:00

Initiator alias fails as invalid in host module

Hello -

I am having difficulty assigning initiator aliases using the host module.  The host initiators list for the host module fails to accept initiator aliases.  I have tried all combinations of quotes, double quotes, not quotes, escape the slash, spaces between the hostname, slash and port name.  It indicates the initiator alias is invalid.

playbook task:

- name: Create Initiator Group "{ { ig_name }}"
<<: *uni_connection_vars
host_name: "{ { host_name }}"
initiators: "{ { host_initiators }}"
state: 'present'
initiator_state: 'present-in-host'

vars_files host_initiator list:

- 10000000cabffaee
# - 10000000cccffaef

play output:

TASK [Create Initiator Group "ANSIBLE_IG"] *********************************************************************************
task path: /opt/ansible/dellemc/vmax_pmax/etc_dc/poc/poc_ans_playbook/host_provision_jtw.yml:40
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Initiator alias ANSIBLE/FAEE is invalid"}

PLAY RECAP *****************************************************************************************************************
localhost : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0


Thank you!

7 Posts

September 2nd, 2022 11:00


I was unable to get the host module w/initiator and alias list to work; it continued to show initiator alias invalid.

I was able to get the aliases to be applied by using the initiator module w/new_aliases after the masking view was created:

- name: Create Storage Group and volumes for "{ { sg_name }}"
  <<: *uni_connection_vars
    sg_name: "{ { sg_name }}"
    service_level: "Diamond"
    volumes: "{ { volume_list }}"
    vol_state: "present-in-group"
    state: 'present'

  - name: Create Initiator Group "{ { ig_name }}"
    <<: *uni_connection_vars
    host_name: "{ { ig_name }}"
    initiators: "{ { item.initiator_id }}"
    state: 'present'
    initiator_state: 'present-in-host'
  loop: "{ { initiator_info }}"

  - name: Create Port Group "{ { pg_name }}"
    <<: *uni_connection_vars
    portgroup_name: "{ { pg_name }}"
    state: "present"
    ports: "{ { port_list }}"
    port_state: 'present-in-group'

  - name: Create Masking View "{ { mv_name }}" with "{ { sg_name }}", "{ { ig_name }}", and "{ { pg_name }}"
    <<: *uni_connection_vars
    mv_name: "{ { mv_name }}"
    portgroup_name: "{ { pg_name }}"
    host_name: "{ { ig_name }}"
    sg_name: "{ { sg_name }}"
    state: 'present'

- name: Set initiator aliases for "{ { ig_name }}"
  <<: *uni_connection_vars
  initiator_id: "{ { item.initiator_id }}"
    new_node_name: "{ { host_name }}"
    new_port_name: "{ { item.new_port_name }}"
  state: 'present'
loop: "{ { initiator_info }}"

1 Rookie


79 Posts

September 2nd, 2022 03:00

Hi @John_TW ,

Could you please try to list the initiator details using the alias in the initiator module, if the details are returned?



1 Rookie


79 Posts

September 2nd, 2022 04:00

Hi @John_TW 

Play book syntax to retrieve initiator details using initiator module is as below

 - name : Get initiator details
    initiator :
      unispherehost : "{ {unispherehost}}"
      universion : "{ {universion}}"
      verifycert : "{ {verifycert}}"
      user : "{ {user}}"
      password : "{ {password}}"
      serial_no : "{ {serial_no}}"
      alias : 'ANSIBLE/FAEE'
      state : 'present'
If details are returned, please use host module as below 
- name : Create host with host_flags
    host :
      unispherehost : "{ {unispherehost}}"
      universion : "{ {universion}}"
      verifycert : "{ {verifycert}}"
      user : "{ {user}}"
      password : "{ {password}}"
      serial_no : "{ {serial_no}}"
      host_name : "{ {host_name}}"
      initiators :
        - 'ANSIBLE/FAEE'
      state : 'present'
      initiator_state : 'present-in-host'

7 Posts

September 2nd, 2022 09:00

Hello Jennifer - it still fails.

Here is the get task and output:

- name: Get initiator details
  <<: *uni_connection_vars
  alias: 'ANSIBLE/FAEE'
  state: 'present'

play --ask-vault-pass host_get-initiator-details.yml
Vault password:

PLAY [Provisioning storage for Powermax] ****************************************************************************************************

TASK [Get initiator details] ****************************************************************************************************************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Initiator ANSIBLE/FAEE is not found"}

PLAY RECAP **********************************************************************************************************************************
localhost : ok=0 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0


Here is the set task and output:

- name: Set initiator details
  <<: *uni_connection_vars
  host_name: '{ { ig_name }}'
  initiators: 'ANSIBLE/FAEE'
  initiator_state: 'present-in-host'
  state: 'present'

play --ask-vault-pass host_set-initiator-details.yml
Vault password:

PLAY [Provisioning storage for Powermax] ****************************************************************************************************

TASK [Set initiator details] ****************************************************************************************************************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Initiator alias ANSIBLE/FAEE is invalid"}

PLAY RECAP **********************************************************************************************************************************
localhost : ok=0 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0

1 Rookie


79 Posts

September 5th, 2022 08:00

Hi @John_TW ,

Thanks for the update. Are u able to apply the new initiator alias that you have created through the initiator module now, to the host module?

I tried to reproduce the behavior and as per the error message, it just seems that the initiator alias is not existing?



7 Posts

September 7th, 2022 04:00

Hi Jennifer

I was only able to apply the alias through the initiator module after assigning the WWN with the host module.  The host module, while it lists the ability to set the initiator WWN and alias at the same time, only allows the WWN to be set.  Ansible always indicates the alias is invalid whenever I attempt to set both the WWN and alias with the host module.

The sequence that works:

  1. assign the WWN using the host module (followed by the masking view)
  2. assign a new alias to the WWN using initiator module

full sequence for a new host:

  1. create storage group with storagegroup module
  2. create initiator group with host module
  3. create port group with portgroup module
  4. create masking view with maskingview module
  5. assign alias with the initiator module



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