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January 28th, 2013 17:00

(x51) Another person with Sleep/Shutdown issues :(

Hi. I'd just like to preface that I've followed most resolutions on other threads ever since I've had my x51. Most common ones being:
-Complete power cycle

-Jump the CMOS

-Unplug all peripherals

-Edit startup programs/ manage programs

-Check for any hardware conflicts


Now it worked fine up until the after the first few BIOS updates, I lost hibernation in some got it back in others, it wouldn't shut down in some in others it did. But I managed to more or less solve them even if only for awhile and with the occasion that it would do it again. With A11, It shuts down and rarely doesn't, but it won't sleep for more than a 2-3 minutes at most with or without hybrid sleep disabled and with or without hibernation enabled in system settings.  I've read a few posts where the motherboard was replaced and that seems to have solved those issues (which are the only ones I have) probably because I'm running the generation/revision 1 board since I bought my x51 just a few weeks after it was announced. Anyway of getting this resolved with a replacement? I can rerun tests, provide logs, provide video, service numbers, anything :) I just would love to have sleep back.

January 29th, 2013 07:00

Hello SceneZombie

Try these steps, there have been some scenarios where the system can turn on or awake from sleep mode automatically.

1- Go to Device Manager

2- Under network Adapters, open the LAN Network device

3- Go to the Power Management tab

4- Verify 3 options there are disable or unchecked.


2.4K Posts

January 28th, 2013 18:00

Hi. I'd just like to preface that I've followed most resolutions on other threads ever since I've had my x51. Most common ones being:
-Complete power cycle


-Jump the CMOS


-Unplug all peripherals


-Edit startup programs/ manage programs


-Check for any hardware conflicts




Now it worked fine up until the after the first few BIOS updates, I lost hibernation in some got it back in others, it wouldn't shut down in some in others it did. But I managed to more or less solve them even if only for awhile and with the occasion that it would do it again. With A11, It shuts down and rarely doesn't, but it won't sleep for more than a 2-3 minutes at most with or without hybrid sleep disabled and with or without hibernation enabled in system settings.  I've read a few posts where the motherboard was replaced and that seems to have solved those issues (which are the only ones I have) probably because I'm running the generation/revision 1 board since I bought my x51 just a few weeks after it was announced. Anyway of getting this resolved with a replacement? I can rerun tests, provide logs, provide video, service numbers, anything :) I just would love to have sleep back.


Are you still under warranty? If so then call Dell and get the new board. Won't hurt to try to try it. Sometimes changing the type of sleep it uses in the BIOS can work too. Like changing from S1 to S3 or the other way around.

January 28th, 2013 19:00

Yeah one of the first things I check and try is fiddling with the sleep/hibernation profiles in BIOS but didn't work this time :/

I'm under warranty, so I'll call tomorrow. I'll be posting a video in a while to illustrate what happens. Thanks for the suggestion though :)

January 28th, 2013 20:00

Here is that video! Nothing fancy, I press the hardware button which is set to enter sleep, and it wakes up at around 1:20. BTW just noticed fiddling around no matter what I do to get it to enter sleep automatically when idle it doesn't go. I have to manually do it and this is still what happens. It was working with A10 when it wanted to though A10 even though a lot of people said it didn't for them if I recall correctly.

January 28th, 2013 21:00

Embed didn't work. Think I derped somewhere. Anyways there's the link and you'll need it as it's unlisted.

January 29th, 2013 09:00

Hi Karen!

Looks like I figured out what the problem was. There was a problem where "hibernate after xx" was on in the OS settings in power management, but not in the Alienware Fusion settings that link to that. After some fiddling and restarts I got them to sync up again, and now it sleeps automatically when idle and stays asleep. Probably got out of sync when the BIOS updated? But following your suggestion I was already off when I got there but turned it on and restarted and then turned it off and restarted just to be safe. Still gave the same outcome prior to me finding the afore mentioned fix.

So there's another suggestion as a fix if anyone else runs into what I did. Also in previous experiences just FYI if you have "Allow Hybrid sleep" on you can't have any time definition under "Hibernate after xx" though you might get away with it working when it's not enabled. Why? I don't know probably some conflict thing.

January 31st, 2013 15:00

Great, thanks to share your resolution.

32 Posts

August 20th, 2013 07:00


I had had the same problem for weeks and spent many hours looking for the solution, resetting Alien fusion and a few restarts seems to have fixed it. Also my X51s side lights used to flash a random colour on start up, that's now stoped as well. Thanks again

August 20th, 2013 10:00

Hi thehillchild,

Thanks for sharing your results!

Also, changing the virtual memory works; checkout this article from Microsoft on how to change it.

8 Wizard


17K Posts

August 23rd, 2013 22:00

, but not in the Alienware Fusion settings that link to that. After some fiddling and restarts I got them to sync up again, and now it sleeps automatically when idle and stays asleep. Probably got out of sync when the BIOS updated?

There is a Windows Service that keeps them in-sync. It's sometimes problematic.

32 Posts

August 25th, 2013 18:00

Bah, looks like I spoke too soon, X51 still wont sleep for more than a few mins, tried all the fixes I've found by Goggling, no success.

Do you thing a clean Windows re install would fix it? What a pain..


8 Wizard


17K Posts

August 25th, 2013 23:00

Bah, looks like I spoke too soon, X51 still wont sleep for more than a few mins, tried all the fixes I've found by Goggling, no success.


Do you thing a clean Windows re install would fix it? What a pain..



So, what happens exactly?
If you clean install, install Chipset drivers (first) and the rest, but leave Intel-RST off of machine completely (then uses bundled Microsoft HDD driver instead).

32 Posts

September 19th, 2013 04:00


The problem with the X51 being unable to sleep for more than five minutes was fixed by a full reinstall of windows and all drivers (in the correct sequence)

After the re install the only problem I had was the case lights randomly changing from what I set in AFX after sleep or shutdown. Disabling AFX in the toolbar seems to have fixed this for the most part, although it still likes to light up each panel a different color every now and again..

Hope this helps.

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