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This post is more than 5 years old


October 16th, 2007 11:00

Lexmark X5150 print problem with Vista & C521 computer

I have a problem with my printer that I can't figure out.  I all of a sudden cannot print in black when I try to print a letter for ex.  I do a test page and everything comes out right and beautiful including the black but when I try to print a text page with black, it does not come out.  The color part of the page will print but not the black.  I have uninstalled and reinstalled the program 3 times, installed new cartridges, downloaded Vista drivers from Dell, did tests, cleaned the nozzles with no results.  I have printed letter before with my new Dell C521 computer so it was working til yesterday.  How can my printer work fine with the test page and not with printing letters?  I used Word that came with my computer plus the Adobe pdf file that the page was to be printed.  When it did not work from the pdf file, I tried to download the file and print it from my computer.  Mystery to me and I've been working on computers since they were as big as a room and had tubes in them!!!!  Thanks if anyone can help me.

Message Edited by Pete89 on 10-16-2007 08:16 AM

Message Edited by Pete89 on 10-16-2007 08:16 AM

9 Legend


33.3K Posts

October 16th, 2007 18:00

First is this a Lexmark printer or a Dell?  You mention downloading drivers from Dell.  If it's a Lexmark, the Dell drivers won't work.   Also which "test" page are you printing?  The Windows Test page or a test page from the printer's page or a test page using the local control on the printer?
If it is Windows Test and it worked until today (or yesterday) have you tried using the System Restore function to restore the PC to a date when the unit did work? 
BTW I've been working in or on computers since 1962.

4 Posts

October 16th, 2007 20:00

Sorry, it is a Lexmark printer and I did download the driver from the Lexmark website.  I thought Lexmark was a part of Dell now?  Anyway, the test page I was printing was the one that is on the driver download and is part of the Lexmark software package.  Like I said, it is unusual for the black to show up in the test page and not on a text letter?  I cannot do a restore because it sets a new date after there is an install so that was after it was working.  It did a Windows security install the other day and it will only go back to that date.  Thanks.  Glad to see an old timer like myself!!  :)  Those were the days when you had to punch the cards, carry them to the computer in a big stack and hope you didn't drop them.  How we have advanced! 

Message Edited by Pete89 on 10-16-2007 05:19 PM

9 Legend


33.3K Posts

October 16th, 2007 22:00

If you go to the control panel/printers then RIGHT click on your printer Icon then LEFT click on properties there will be a panel come up and one of the options in that panel is to print a Windows test page.  Try that and see what happens.
When I retired, 11 years ago, I was managing a large regional LAN/WAN Network and Hardware Help Desk, in Kansas City, Mo, for a large Federal Goverment Agency.  I now live in Florida with all the other retirees. 

4 Posts

October 17th, 2007 04:00

The only thing it printed is the color Windows logo and nothing else.  I guess I'll go and buy another black cartridge.  Maybe there is something wrong with the contact on it for some reason.  Ink level shows just below full but that could be a false reading.  It is supposed to be a new cartridge!  Maybe have been setting in the store too long and dried up.  Thanks

9 Legend


33.3K Posts

October 17th, 2007 09:00

If it is the cartridge, even a new one, soak the nozzle end in a shallow pan of warm, not hot, water for about 10 minutes.  Blot the end dry and reinstall and see if that works. .

Message Edited by fireberd on 10-17-2007 06:37 AM

4 Posts

October 17th, 2007 10:00

That worked!!!  I didn't soak the cartridge but did rub it with warm water and a cloth.  When I first put the cartridge in, the printer told me that the black cartridge was missing.  I also dabbed the cartridge holder with the damp clothI took it back out and blotted it again and reinstalled it with the proper results.  Thank you very much.  Should have known right?  :)
BTW, I'm retired from PennDOT where I was in charge of programming and operating their roadside message boards, weather stations and emergency radio stations.  It was a challange and frustrating at times but I do miss it.  In fact, one of the emergency radio stations is about 1,000 feet from me on I99.  I also remember buying my first Dell when I insisted that they put a 15MB hard drive in so I would have enough space!!!!  I now have a 320GB which I am sure will be not enough in the future! 
Again, thanks for your help.  I feel a lot better and a lot less frustrated.  I was almost ready to go buy another printer but didn't want to.  Would have been a waste of money as I find out.  I remembered we used to use rubbing alcohol for the same thing but had forgotten it.  I guess at 69 you forget little things but I won't admit it yet!     :)
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