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Nov 1, 2008
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fireberd • Joined 

November 1st, 2008

About me

Retired Midwest Regional LAN/WAN Network and Hardware Help Desk Manager for SSA in Kansas City, Mo (for 23 years). I have worked in computers in one capacity or another since 1962 (when in the Air Force).  In 1966/67/68/69 I worked on the Air Force Eastern Test Range Tracking Station and then the NASA Apollo tracking station on Ascension Island.  After Ascension Island,  I worked as a PCM Telemetry Processor Engineer/Programmer on the Manned Space projects (Apollo and Skylab) at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Currently I do Part-Time PC Maintenance and Support.  I'm a Semi-Professional Musician (country music) and Recording Engineer using Cakewalk by BandLab software.

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commented on 's post

13 days ago

My printer's control panel has changed language on me, was in english now it swedish . I cannot read the control panel to reset my printer or change the language back to english. I have read and reread on how to reset the printer but it always comes back to I need to reset it with the control panel

@printerdriversupport​ I went through what you suggest with user without success.

commented on 's post

13 days ago

My printer's control panel has changed language on me, was in english now it swedish . I cannot read the control panel to reset my printer or change the language back to english. I have read and reread on how to reset the printer but it always comes back to I need to reset it with the control panel

Printer is E310dw. I had user post here for support.  I tried to help him on Facebook but no luck. 

followed 's post

13 days ago

My printer's control panel has changed language on me, was in english now it swedish . I cannot read the control panel to reset my printer or change the language back to english. I have read and reread on how to reset the printer but it always comes back to I need to reset it with the control panel

commented on 's post

19 days ago

Since purchasing my PC last November it has had a problem right from day one but I only now have had time to deal with it. Whenever and however I play audio (VLC, Media Player, YouTube vids via Firefox), there is an unpredictable fault that occurs multiple times a day and at times during every 10 m

@recall9812​ Reinstalling is not usually needed. I used to be a network and hardware help desk manager.  "reinstall" was rarely needed or used.  

followed 's post

28 days ago

Monitor needs HDMI cable to be connected to my Dell lap top. However , there was no HDMI cable delivered with the monitor. I attempted to connect with the supplied cables without success. Now managed to borrow a HDMI cable and it works. Is this a miss in the delivery package by Dell? Can you fix it?

commented on 's post

28 days ago

Monitor needs HDMI cable to be connected to my Dell lap top. However , there was no HDMI cable delivered with the monitor. I attempted to connect with the supplied cables without success. Now managed to borrow a HDMI cable and it works. Is this a miss in the delivery package by Dell? Can you fix it?

This forum is not the place for sales issues. If you bought the monitor direct from Dell call Dell about the missing cable.  If it was purchased from a reseller (such as Amazon, Best Buy, etc) you will have to deal with the reseller. Consideri

commented on 's post

1 month ago

Since purchasing my PC last November it has had a problem right from day one but I only now have had time to deal with it. Whenever and however I play audio (VLC, Media Player, YouTube vids via Firefox), there is an unpredictable fault that occurs multiple times a day and at times during every 10 m

Any update? it's been a week.

commented on 's post

1 month ago

Since purchasing my PC last November it has had a problem right from day one but I only now have had time to deal with it. Whenever and however I play audio (VLC, Media Player, YouTube vids via Firefox), there is an unpredictable fault that occurs multiple times a day and at times during every 10 m

@recall9812​ Replacing the motherboard is a good move by Dell. I too don't think that is the problem but will eliminate the hardware. In regards to Latency Mon, only have what runs at startup when you run Latency Mon. Have to get it cleaned up at t

commented on 's post

1 month ago

Since purchasing my PC last November it has had a problem right from day one but I only now have had time to deal with it. Whenever and however I play audio (VLC, Media Player, YouTube vids via Firefox), there is an unpredictable fault that occurs multiple times a day and at times during every 10 m

@recall9812​ First thing is to identify the CPU model in your PC. If its an "F" version such as i7 14700F there is NO integrated graphics so you can't disable NVIDIA. Device manager MAY list what video(s) are available too, and you can disable NVID

commented on 's post

1 month ago

Since purchasing my PC last November it has had a problem right from day one but I only now have had time to deal with it. Whenever and however I play audio (VLC, Media Player, YouTube vids via Firefox), there is an unpredictable fault that occurs multiple times a day and at times during every 10 m

Main and Processes are the primary panels. Latency Mon can overload you with data. A comment on NVIDIA. I used built in Intel CPU video or AMD Radeon Video as NVIDIA caused audio glitches/dropouts.  That was fixed in recent video drivers but I

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