Os profissionais de TI podem ter que extrair arquivos de log de um ou mais computadores para diagnosticar um problema. A melhor forma de fazer isso é por meio de ferramentas de gerenciamento remoto, mas também é possível usar scripts. A seção Anexos deste artigo inclui exemplos de coletor de logs que podem ser executados ou modificados para atender à maioria das necessidades.
Detalhes do script:
C:\Users\<Current User>\AppData\Roaming\
O arquivo é exibido como um ícone do bloco de notas e é aberto como bloco de notas ao clicar duas vezes
e outros arquivos de script..bat
arquivo em vez disso?
e .bat
arquivos que incluem diferenças de contexto e segurança..cmd
arquivo contém?
Log coletado | Caminho do arquivo .zip do log | Comando usado | Requer administrador | Tipo de comando | URL de referência da Microsoft/Dell | 2.3 Alteração |
Logs de eventos de aplicativos | \Logs\OperatingSystem\Event Logs\application_eventlog.evtx |
wevtutil epl Application /q:"*[System[(Level<=5)]]" application_eventlog.evtx |
Não | Linha de comando | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows/win32/wes/windows-event-log |
0 |
Lista de pacotes Appx | \Logs\Application\installed_appx.txt |
Get-AppxPackage | Select PackageFullName | Sort PackageFullName |
Sim | Powershell | https://learn.microsoft.com/powershell/module/appx/get-appxpackage?view=windowsserver2022-ps |
0 |
Lista de estados de suspensão disponíveis | \Logs\Power\available_sleepstates.txt |
powercfg /a |
Não | Linha de comando | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows-hardware/design/device-experiences/powercfg-command-line-options |
0 |
Relatório da bateria | \Logs\Power\Battery_Report.html |
powercfg /batteryreport /output Battery_Report.html /duration 14 |
Sim | Linha de comando | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows-hardware/design/device-experiences/powercfg-command-line-options |
0 |
Informações de BCD | \Logs\OperatingSystem\bcd.txt |
bcdedit |
Sim | Linha de comando | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/bcdedit |
0 |
Lista de protetores do Bitlocker | \Logs\Security\bitlocker_PCRs.txt |
manage-bde %SYSTEMDRIVE% -protectors -get -type TPM |
Sim | Powershell | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/manage-bde |
0 |
Status do Bitlocker | \Logs\Security\bitlocker_status.txt |
manage-bde -status |
Sim | Powershell | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/manage-bde |
0 |
Lista de adaptadores de banda larga | \Logs\Network\broadband_adapter.txt |
netsh mbn show interfaces |
Não | Linha de comando | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows-server/networking/technologies/netsh/netsh-contexts |
0 |
Lista de temporizadores de ativação configurados | \Logs\Power\waketimers.txt |
powercfg /waketimers |
Sim | Linha de comando | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows-hardware/design/device-experiences/powercfg-command-line-options |
0 |
Log do Dell Command | Update | \Logs\Dell\Dell_Command_Update\Activity.log |
XCOPY /s /y /q /F %SYSTEMDRIVE%\ProgramData\Dell\UpdateService\Log |
Sim | Linha de comando | Dell Command | Update | 0 |
Logs de migração de dados da Dell (destino) | \Logs\Dell\Dell_Data_Migrate_Destination\(Various files) |
XCOPY /s /I /y /q /F %SYSTEMDRIVE%\ProgramData\Dell\SupportAssist\CDM\Logs . |
Sim | Linha de comando | https://www.dell.com/support/manuals/data-assistant/migrate_1.0_ug/ | 0 |
Logs de migração de dados da Dell (origem) | \Logs\Dell\Dell_Data_Migrate_Source\(Various Files) |
XCOPY /s /y /q /F %SYSTEMDRIVE%\ProgramData\DDA\logs\ . |
Sim | Linha de comando | https://www.dell.com/support/manuals/data-assistant/migrate_1.0_ug/introduction?guid=guid-28c0bb91-e84d-4118-99ee-e5500769b170& | 0 |
Logs do Dell Digital Delivery | \Logs\Dell\Dell_Digital_Delivery\ |
XCOPY /s /y /q /F %SYSTEMDRIVE%\ProgramData\dell\D3\Resources\Logs\ |
Sim | Linha de comando | https://www.dell.com/support/contents/article/product-support/self-support-knowledgebase/software-and-downloads/download-center/dell-digital-delivery | 0 |
Informações de carregamento de fábrica da Dell | \Logs\Dell\FactoryLoad\dell.sdr |
XCOPY /y /q /F %SYSTEMDRIVE%\dell.sdr |
Não | Linha de comando | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/xcopy |
0 |
Dell Optimizer Logs | \Logs\Dell\Dell_Optimizer\* |
*XCOPY command copies multiple AppData files specific to Dell Optimizer* |
Não | Linha de comando | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/xcopy |
1 |
Dell Update Package Logs | \Logs\Dell\Dell_Update_Package\* |
XCOPY /s /y /q /F %SYSTEMDRIVE%\ProgramData\Dell\UpdatePackage\Log . |
Não | Linha de comando | Dell Command | Update | 0 |
Relatório detalhado de drivers | \Logs\Driver\driver_details.txt |
Get-WmiObject Win32_PnPSignedDriver | select * |
Não | Powershell | https://learn.microsoft.com/previous-versions/windows/desktop/legacy/aa394354(v=vs.85) |
0 |
Log de diagnóstico do DirectX | \Logs\Graphics\DXdiag.txt |
dxdiag.exe /t DXdiag.txt |
Não | Linha de comando | https://support.microsoft.com/windows/open-and-run-dxdiag-exe-dad7792c-2ad5-f6cd-5a37-bf92228dfd85 |
0 |
Lista de drivers | \Logs\Driver\driver_list.txt |
Get-WmiObject Win32_PnPSignedDriver| select devicename, driverversion, driverdate | Sort-Object devicename |
Não | Powershell | https://learn.microsoft.com/previous-versions/windows/desktop/legacy/aa394354(v=vs.85) |
0 |
Lista de repositórios de drivers | \Logs\Driver\driver_store.txt |
dism /online /get-drivers /all /format:table |
Sim | Linha de comando | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows-hardware/manufacture/desktop/what-is-dism?view=windows-11 |
0 |
Drivers com estado de erro | \Logs\Driver\error_state_drivers.txt |
Pnputil /enum-devices /problem /ids |
Não | Linha de comando | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows-hardware/drivers/devtest/pnputil |
1 |
Relatório de energia | \Logs\Power\energy.html |
powercfg /energy /output energy.html |
Sim | Linha de comando | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows-hardware/design/device-experiences/powercfg-command-line-options |
0 |
Objetos da política de grupo | \Logs\OperatingSystem\GPO_List.html |
start /min gpresult /H GPO_List.html |
Não | Linha de comando | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/gpresult |
0 |
Lista de aplicativos instalados | \Logs\Application\installed_apps.txt |
Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Select-Object DisplayName, DisplayVersion, Publisher, InstallDate | Sort-Object InstallDate |
Não | Powershell | https://learn.microsoft.com/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.management/get-itemproperty?view=powershell-7.3 |
0 |
Configuração de IP | \Logs\Network\ipconfig_all.txt |
ipconfig /all |
Não | Linha de comando | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/ipconfig |
0 |
Acionador de ativação mais recente | \Logs\Power\lastwake.txt |
powercfg /lastwake |
Não | Linha de comando | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows-hardware/design/device-experiences/powercfg-command-line-options |
0 |
Dump de memória (kernel completo) | \Logs\MemoryDumps\memory.dmp |
XCOPY /y /q /F %SYSTEMROOT%\memory.dmp |
Não | Linha de comando | https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/xcopy |
0 |
Dump de memória (minidump) | \Logs\MemoryDumps\*.dmp |
XCOPY /s /I /y /q /F %SYSTEMROOT%\minidump\*.dmp |
Sim | Linha de comando | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/xcopy |
0 |
Dump de memória (status/detalhes) | \Logs\Operating System\DumpStatus.txt |
IF EXIST %SYSTEMROOT%\memory.dmp |
Sim | Linha de comando | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/if |
0 |
Status do gerenciamento de memória | \Logs\System\MemoryManagement.html |
Get-mmagent | Out-File MemoryManagement.html |
Sim | Powershell | https://learn.microsoft.com/powershell/module/mmagent/get-mmagent?view=windowsserver2022-ps |
1 |
Informações do sistema Microsoft (MSinfo32) | \Logs\OperatingSystem\msinfo32.nfo |
start msinfo32 /nfo msinfo32.nfo |
Não | Linha de comando | https://support.microsoft.com/topic/description-of-microsoft-system-information-msinfo32-exe-tool-10d335d8-5834-90b4-8452-42c58e61f9fc |
0 |
Informações do monitor | \Logs\Graphics\monitor.txt |
Get-CimInstance -Namespace root\wmi -ClassName WmiMonitorID | ForEach-Object {if ($_.UserFriendlyNameLength -gt 0) {($_.ManufacturerName -ne 0 | foreach {[char]$_}) + [char] 10 + 'InstanceName: ' + ($_.InstanceName) + [char] 10 + ($_.UserFriendlyName -ne 0 | foreach {[char]$_}) + [char] 10 + 'Serial: ' + ($_.SerialNumberID -ne 0 | foreach {[char]$_}) + [char] 10 + 'ProdCodeID: ' + ($_.ProductCodeID -ne 0 | foreach {[char]$_}) + [char] 10 + 'WeekOfManufacture:' + $_.WeekOfManufacture + [char] 10 + 'YearOfManufacture:' + $_.YearOfManufacture + [char] 10 + 'DisplayActive:' + $_.Active + [char] 10 -join ''} else{($_.ManufacturerName -ne 0 | foreach {[char]$_}) + [char] 10 + 'InstanceName: ' + ($_.InstanceName) + [char] 10 + ('No Model (Likely Internal LCD)') + [char] 10 + 'Serial: ' + ($_.SerialNumberID -ne 0 | foreach {[char]$_}) + [char] 10 + 'ProdCodeID: ' + ($_.ProductCodeID -ne 0 | foreach {[char]$_}) + [char] 10 + 'WeekOfManufacture:' + $_.WeekOfManufacture + [char] 10 + 'YearOfManufacture:' + $_.YearOfManufacture + [char] 10 + 'DisplayActive:' + $_.Active + [char] 10 -join ''}} |
Não | Não | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows/win32/wmicoreprov/wmimonitorid |
0 |
Log de propriedades avançadas do adaptador de rede | \Logs\Network\net_adapter_adv_properties.txt |
Get-NetAdapterAdvancedProperty |
Não | Powershell | https://learn.microsoft.com/powershell/module/netadapter/get-netadapteradvancedproperty?view=windowsserver2022-ps |
0 |
Versão do SO & Data de instalação | \Logs\LogCollectorStatus.txt |
(Get-WMIObject -class Win32_ComputerSystem | Select-Object Model| Format-List | Out-string).Trim(); (Get-WMIObject -class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-Object Caption, Version| Format-List| Out-string).Trim(); (Write-Output 'OS Install Date:').Trim(); ((Get-Item 'C:\Windows\system.ini').CreationTime | Out-String).Trim() |
Não | Powershell | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-operatingsystem |
0 |
Lista de dispositivos PnP | \Logs\Operating System\pnp_devices.txt |
Get-CimInstance Win32_PnPEntity |
Não | Powershell | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-pnpentity |
0 |
Solicitações de energia | \Logs\Power\power_requests.txt |
powercfg /requests |
Sim | Linha de comando | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows-hardware/design/device-experiences/powercfg-command-line-options |
0 |
Detalhes do esquema de energia | \Logs\Power\powerschemes.txt |
powercfg /query |
Não | Linha de comando | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows-hardware/design/device-experiences/powercfg-command-line-options |
0 |
Lista de esquemas de energia | \Logs\Power\power_schemes.html |
powercfg /list |
Não | Linha de comando | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows-hardware/design/device-experiences/powercfg-command-line-options |
0 |
Lista de processos | \Logs\OperatingSystem\ processes.txt |
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service | Select-Object -Property Name, ProcessID |
Não | Powershell | https://learn.microsoft.com/powershell/module/scheduledtasks/get-scheduledtask?view=windowsserver2022-ps |
0 |
Pacotes de provisionamento | \Logs\Application\installed_provisioning_packages.txt |
Get-ProvisioningPackage |
Não | Powershell | https://learn.microsoft.com/powershell/module/provisioning/get-provisioningpackage?view=windowsserver2022-ps |
0 |
Lista de tarefas agendadas | \Logs\OperatingSystem\taskscheduler.txt |
Get-ScheduledTask | Where State -ne "Disabled" | Get-ScheduledTaskInfo |
Não | Powershell | https://learn.microsoft.com/powershell/module/scheduledtasks/get-scheduledtask?view=windowsserver2022-ps |
0 |
Etiqueta de serviço | Part of File Name |
Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS -Property SerialNumber | Select-Object -ExpandProperty SerialNumber |
Não | Powershell | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-bios |
0 |
Etiqueta de serviço e ID da placa base | \Logs\System\System_Board.txt |
Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BaseBoard | Format-List |
Não | Powershell | https://www.dell.com/support/manuals/data-assistant/migrate_1.0_ug/introduction?guid=guid-28c0bb91-e84d-4118-99ee-e5500769b170 | 1 |
Lista de serviços | \Logs\OperatingSystem\services.txt |
Get-Service | Sort Status |
Não | Powershell | https://learn.microsoft.com/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.management/get-service?view=powershell-7.3 |
0 |
Relatório de estudo de suspensão | \Logs\Power\sleepstudy.html |
powercfg /sleepstudy /output sleepstudy.html |
Sim | Linha de comando | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows-hardware/design/device-experiences/powercfg-command-line-options |
0 |
Lista de processos de inicialização | \Logs\Application\startup_processes.txt |
Get-CimInstance Win32_StartupCommand | Select-Object Name, command, Location, User | Format-List |
Não | Powershell | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-startupcommand |
0 |
Lista de dispositivos de armazenamento | \Logs\Storage\Disk_Drives.txt |
Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_DiskDrive | select * | Format-List |
Não | Powershell | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-diskdrive |
0 |
Volumes de armazenamento | \Logs\Storage\Disk_Volumes.txt |
Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_DiskPartition | Format-List |
Não | Powershell | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/Win32-DiskPartition |
0 |
Modelo do sistema | Part of File Name |
Get-WMIObject -class Win32_ComputerSystem | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Model |
Não | Powershell | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-computersystem |
0 |
Informações de TPM | \Logs\Security\tpm.txt |
get-tpm |
Sim | Powershell | https://learn.microsoft.com/powershell/module/trustedplatformmodule/get-tpm?view=windowsserver2022-ps |
0 |
Lista de dispositivos USB | \Logs\USB\usb_devices.txt |
gwmi Win32_USBControllerDevice |%%{[wmi]($_.Dependent)} | Sort Manufacturer,Name,Description,DeviceID | Ft -GroupBy Manufacturer Name,Description,Service,DeviceID |
Não | Powershell | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-usbcontrollerdevice |
0 |
Detalhes do adaptador de vídeo | \Logs\Graphics\video.txt |
Get-WmiObject win32_videocontroller | select * |
Não | Powershell | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-videocontroller |
0 |
Detalhes da resolução de vídeo | \Logs\Graphics\video.txt |
Get-WmiObject win32_videocontroller | select caption, CurrentHorizontalResolution, CurrentVerticalResolution, CurrentRefreshRate, DriverVersion |
Não | Powershell | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-videocontroller |
0 |
Lista de dispositivos ativados | \Logs\Power\device_wake_armed.html |
powercfg -devicequery wake_armed |
Não | Linha de comando | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows-hardware/design/device-experiences/powercfg-command-line-options |
0 |
Logs de eventos do sistema Windows | \Logs\OperatingSystem\Event Logs\system_eventlog.evtx |
wevtutil epl System /q:"*[System[(Level<=5)]]" system_eventlog.evtx |
Não | Linha de comando | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows/win32/wes/windows-event-log |
0 |
Log da ferramenta Systeminfo do Windows | \Logs\LogCollectorStatus.txt |
Systeminfo |
Não | Linha de comando | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/systeminfo |
0 |
Lista do Windows Update | \Logs\OperatingSystem\WindowsUpdateLog.txt |
Get-WindowsUpdateLog |
Não | Powershell | https://learn.microsoft.com/powershell/module/windowsupdate/get-windowsupdatelog?view=windowsserver2022-ps |
0 |
Log do Windows Update | \Logs\OperatingSystem\hotfixes.txt |
Get-hotfix |
Não | Powershell | https://learn.microsoft.com/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.management/get-hotfix?view=powershell-7.3 |
0 |
Lista de redes com fio | \Logs\Network\current_wired_network_interfaces.txt |
netsh lan show interfaces |
Não | Linha de comando | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows-server/networking/technologies/netsh/netsh-contexts |
0 |
Perfis de rede com fio | \Logs\Network\wired_profiles.txt |
netsh lan show profiles |
Não | Linha de comando | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows-server/networking/technologies/netsh/netsh-contexts |
0 |
Configurações de rede com fio | \Logs\Network\wired_settings.txt |
netsh lan show settings |
Não | Linha de comando | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows-server/networking/technologies/netsh/netsh-contexts |
0 |
Relatórios sem fio | \Logs\Network\wlan-report-latest.html |
netsh wlan show wlanreport duration=30 && copy /y %ProgramData%\microsoft\windows\wlanreport\wlan-report-latest.html . && copy /y %ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\wlanreport\wlan-report-latest.cab . |
Sim | Linha de comando | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows-server/networking/technologies/netsh/netsh-contexts |
0 |
Atualização/atualização do Windows | \Logs\OperatingSystem\windows_upgrade_history |
get-itemproperty -path 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\Setup\Source OS*' | SELECT PSChildName, Productname, ReleaseId, DisplayVersion, CurrentBuild |
Powershell | https://learn.microsoft.com/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.management/get-itemproperty?view=powershell-7.4 |
1 | |
Compactação de fluxo de exibição | Logs\Graphics\Display_Stream_Compression_status.txt |
REG QUERY HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class /s /v DPMstDscDisable > Display_Stream_Compression_status.txt |
Não | Powershell | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/reg-query |
1 |
Geração de dispositivo PCIe e velocidade de link | \Logs\System\PCIe_Device_Info.txt |
(Get-WMIObject Win32_Bus -Filter 'DeviceID like "PCI%%"').GetRelated('Win32_PnPEntity') | foreach { [pscustomobject][ordered]@{Name = $_.Name; ExpressSpecVersion=$_.GetDeviceProperties('DEVPKEY_PciDevice_ExpressSpecVersion').deviceProperties.data;MaxLinkSpeed=$_.GetDeviceProperties('DEVPKEY_PciDevice_MaxLinkSpeed').deviceProperties.data; MaxLinkWidth=$_.GetDeviceProperties('DEVPKEY_PciDevice_MaxLinkWidth').deviceProperties.data; CurrentLinkSpeed=$_.GetDeviceProperties('DEVPKEY_PciDevice_CurrentLinkSpeed').deviceProperties.data; CurrentLinkWidth=$_.GetDeviceProperties('DEVPKEY_PciDevice_CurrentLinkWidth' ).deviceProperties.data} | Where MaxLinkSpeed } | Format-Table -AutoSize; |
Não | Powershell | https://learn.microsoft.com/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.management/get-wmiobject?view=powershell-5.1 |
1 |
Configurações do BIOS | \Logs\System\BIOS_Settings.txt |
Get-CimInstance -Namespace root\dcim\sysman\biosattributes -ClassName EnumerationAttribute | Select-Object AttributeName, CurrentValue, Defaultvalue, PossibleValue |
Sim | Powershell | https://learn.microsoft.com/powershell/module/cimcmdlets/get-ciminstance?view=powershell-7.4 |
1 |
Lista de ignorados do Dell Command | \Logs\Dell\Dell_Command_Update\Update_Ignore_List.txt |
REG QUERY HKLM\SOFTWARE\DELL\UpdateService\Service\IgnoreList /s /v InstalledUpdateJson |
Não | Powershell | https://learn.microsoft.com/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/reg-query |
1 |
Configurações do Dell Optimizer | \Logs\Dell\Dell_Optimizer\user_settings.txt |
do-cli /get |
Não | Linha de comando | https://www.dell.com/support/manuals/dell-optimizer/dell-optimizer-4.0_ug/command-line-interface-for-dell-optimizer?guid=guid-a82481c9-8abf-4a15-9f2b-6011e36c6b19& |
1 |