There are three sets of files that may be required for resolving an issue for PowerProtect Data Manager.
- General PowerProtect Data Manager logs
- VM Direct (VProxy logs) * These logs are required for troubleshooting File Level Recovery (FLR) issues.
- PowerProtect Elastic Search Database (Disaster Recovery backup)
Gathering logs from PowerProtect Data Manager:
- Click the Gear icon and then click Support.
- On the Support page, click Logs and then click Add.
- Check both boxes for Data Manager and VM Direct Engines, and then select the date range. In this case, today would be sufficient.
- Once the log bundle is created, click each of the logs that are listed in the Bundle Name column and it downloads these logs.
If you cannot view the Log bundles in the UI, you can copy them from the PPDM using WINSCP.
- Using WINSCP, connect to the PPDM as admin.
- Log bundles are in /var/log/logbundles/ file.
Getting a copy of the Elastic Search Database
- Backups are found in the directory structure /data01/server_backups/ppdm_<numeric string>.
- Type ls-ltr command to list them or find the most recent. It is in a directory that is named by a numeric string.
Example: ppdm_4b5cd8e5-e07e-4546-86ee-be87b021194c (see the image below)
- Drill down into that directory and there is another numeric string directory.
Beneath that is a PPDM directory.
/data01/server_backups/ppdm_<numeric string>/<numeric string>/PPDM
- Inside the PPDM directory is the .tar.bz2 file that is that DR backup.
- Use WINSCP to connect to the PPDM and copy the backup to a machine from which you can upload it to the SR.