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Troubleshooting Steps for WWAN, 3G, or Mobile Broadband

Summary: A guide for troubleshooting steps for issues relating to Wireless Wide Area Network (WWAN) can help users resolve connectivity problems. Including: Error SIM NOT FOUND — CHECK ORIENTATION, Cannot Read SIM, Dell Mobile Broadband Card Utility Status Is "No Card Detected," I Cannot Browse the Web and Cannot find Network / Service. ...

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Table of Contents:

  2. Cannot Read SIM
  3. Dell Mobile Broadband Card Utility Status Is "No Card Detected"
  4. I Cannot Browse the Web
  5. Cannot find Network / Service


  1. Check the SIM for correct orientation. See the system's documentation for the location and orientation of the SIM.

  2. Try a SIM from a cell phone. The service cannot connect, but trying another SIM reveals if the connector on the system board is working.

  3. Check the SIM for damage. If the SIM is damaged, refer the customer to the service provider for SIM replacement.

  4. Check the connector on the SIM for damage. If the SIM is damaged, refer the customer to the service provider for SIM replacement.

  5. Check for Firmware updates from the Dell Support Download site.

    Also, see Dell Knowledge Base article Dell Mobile Broadband Card Utility Diagnostics and Error Codes.

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2. Cannot Read SIM

  1. Reseat the SIM.

  2. Check the SIM for damage.

  3. Check that the SIM was sold with the mobile broadband card.

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3. Dell Mobile Broadband Card Utility Status Is "No Card Detected"

  1. Verify that no other software programs are open that may be using the Dell Mobile Broadband Card.

  2. Check Device Manager to ensure that the OS recognizes the card.

Check the BIOS to ensure that the card is enabled.

Also, see Dell Knowledge Base article Dell Mobile Broadband (WWAN) Module Not Detected on a Re-imaged Dell personal computer

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4. I Cannot Browse the Web

You may not have an IP address. If you are certain the username, password, and Access Point Name (APN) are correct, check if you are getting an IP address:

  1. From the Start menu, click Run. In the Run window, type command in the Open dialog box and click OK.

  2. In the Command window, type cd\ and press <Enter> to navigate to the root directory.

  3. Type ipconfig and press <Enter>. The IP address should appear on the screen. If not, contact the service provider.

The server settings may be incorrect.

  1. In Internet Explorer®, click Tools on the upper menu bar. Click Internet Options. Click the Connections tab.

  2. In the Dial Up and Virtual Private Network Setting window, double-click 3G Connection.

  3. Check the appropriate boxes if you are using a proxy server.

You may be experiencing DNS server problems.

  1. From the Start menu, select Run. In the Run window, type command in the Open box and click OK.

  2. At the c: prompt, type PING

  3. Unknown host — This response usually indicates a faulty DNS. Call your service provider.

  4. Pinging with 32 bytes of data — This response indicates that the DNS is working properly even if you do not receive a reply.

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5. Cannot find Network / Service

When I Run the Dell Mobile Broadband Card Utility, the Searching for Network Window Continuously Displays.

You may be out of your service coverage area. Check for good signal strength or contact the service provider.

I Have an Indication of Good Signal Strength but Cannot Connect.

You may not have an active subscription plan. Check that you have an active subscription plan from your service provider.

I Cannot Access My Dell Mobile Broadband Card Using Other Software.

Ensure that the Dell Mobile Broadband Card Utility has exited by selecting Exit from the File menu.

Ensure the latest Driver and Utility are installed.

Check the Dell Support Website for the latest driver and utility availability.

Also, see Dell Knowledge Base articles:


If you require further assistance or want to give us feedback, engage our technical team on Twitter.

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Affected Products

Chromebook, G Series, Alienware, Inspiron, Latitude, Vostro, XPS, Legacy Laptop Models, Mobile Devices, Latitude Tablets, Mobile Streak, Surface, Venue, XPS Tablets
Article Properties
Article Number: 000142465
Article Type: How To
Last Modified: 02 Dec 2024
Version:  8
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