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WD15 Firmware Does Not Update When Connected to a Gen 11 System

Zusammenfassung: Errors when trying to update the WD15 firmware when connected to a Gen 11 computers.

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Error is before booting into windows after the upgrade is run:
BIOS Update failed. Rebooting your computer.

Seen in the firmware upgrade application:
Error: Collecting dock info failed.

Another error seen:
Error: Only one dock must be attached before the dock firmware can be updated.


Firmware Update Utility of WD15/TB16/TB18DC does not support Dell computers which are launched after January 2020. Because the utility uses legacy security key which is not compatible with new security of computers which launched after January 2020.


Connect WD15/TB16/TB18DC to Dell computers that were launched before 2020 and run Firmware Update Utility.


Dell Dock WD15