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3 Posts


July 24th, 2021 11:00

XPS laptop, turning off after a few seconds

I have an XPS laptop that I got in January and since yesterday, it will not turn on at all if not plugged in, even if I have it left on the charger for awhile beforehand, and when plugged in it'll only turn on for long enough to show the dell logo, then promptly shuts off. I have tried some of the things I've seen suggested on similar forum posts such as holding the power button down until the orange light at the front goes off, and then trying to power it up again, and it did not fix it. I also cannot follow any of the instructions I've found to perform a hard reset as this model does not have a removable battery. I would love to be able to get this repaired as soon as possible as I am starting grad school and moving to a new city in a couple weeks and really need a functioning computer.



September 10th, 2021 10:00

A couple months ago I began having an issue where my laptop would only power on for a few seconds before shutting off, a Dell technician came and replaced the motherboard on my computer and the issue seemed to be resolved. Now I am having the exact same issue again. I have also had to get the screen replaced on this computer and I've only had it since January. This is absolutely ridiculous I am sick of this laptop not working despite all troubleshooting and being very gentle and mindful when I am using it. I would like to at least get this issue repaired as soon as possible but at this point I would much prefer to have this computer replaced as it is so unreliable and has caused me so much inconvenience since I got it, and since I've had this exact issue "repaired" previously just for it to happen again only a couple months later. I am a grad student and I work remotely so I cannot afford for my computer to be this unreliable and breaking down and now once again not even powering up and being completely unusable. I am so frustrated with my experience with this laptop, it was not cheap and it has now broken down through no fault of mine three times since I got it. I need a solution to this as soon as possible because as I said I use this computer for work and school and I truly don't know how I will be able to get my work done without a functioning computer. Please let me know when the soonest would be that I can get this computer fixed or replaced!

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