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6 Posts


October 8th, 2020 17:00

XPS 13 7390, slow upload speed - SOLVED

Hi all,

Brand new XPS 13 7390 and I was getting 80 Mbps download and 0.1 Mbps upload. My phone right next to it was getting 40 Mbps upload.  Spent ages googling and trying loads of things with the wireless adapter settings and re-installing the latest Killer Control Center drivers to no avail.  None of those things were a problem and the solution was simple in the end.

SOLUTION - Turn off the Prioritization Engine in the Killer Control Center.

Sure, I could stuff around and work out how to increase the QoS for ALL applications but honestly why they (Dell / Killer) use such a pessimistic QoS algorithm by default is beyond me.

Hope this helps someone else save a day or more of frustration.

Community Manager


54.7K Posts

May 6th, 2021 04:00

Since drtimoneill is the 1st post, I cannot mark it as the Accepted Solution. But I can "replicate" what he did for all to see.

Please check my instructions below and tell me if I left anything out.

* Click the Windows icon
* Type killer
* Click Killer Control Center or Killer Network Manager
* Click Settings
- Turn Killer Prioritization Engine to Off
* Under System Settings
- Turn Advanced Stream Detect to Off
* Click Set Bandwidth Limits
- Set the Upload and Download speeds according to your paid for connection. Example, I pay SuddenLink for 500MB down. So I set both for 500MB
* Click Apply Changes and retest



25.5K Posts

October 9th, 2020 11:00

We tried reaching you on a private message asking for the Service Tag but did not receive a response. Please feel free to reply to the private message whenever you are available.

1 Message

October 11th, 2020 17:00

Thanks - you have save me lots of time.  I was also only getting 0.1 Mbps upload when all my other wifi connected devices were 20 Mbps.

20 Posts

November 20th, 2020 08:00

Can you give me a hint how to do that?

The setting is disabled in the killer control center, also does not work.

Uploads are extremely slow on my XPS 9310 but do work with full speed with all my other devices. Also when I plug in an external USB Wifi adapter to the XPS, I get the full upload speed again.

I also cannot open certain web pages...and some are extremely slow, including the Dell website.

The Killer wifi stuff is mainly killing my wifi and doing nothing else...optimized to death...


I found a solution to everyone who has the same issue.

  • I've removed the driver in device manager for the wifi card to get the windows default
  • Reboot device
  • Open Killer Control Center
  • Go to Settings
  • Now I was able to disable the Prioritization Engine


  • Full download speed
  • Full upload speed
  • 20% faster ping
  • Websites open again without errors
  • Websites open a lot faster

I seriously don't understand what that killer stuff is useful for...

December 1st, 2020 06:00


I was getting desperate because nothing I tried worked (Windows upgrade, Windows downgrade, Killer driver upgrade/downgrade, 2.4 Ghz vs 5 Ghz, ...).

Then I had the same idea as you and removed the Killer network card completely (Windows Device Manager) while checking the "remove driver software" checkbox. And after a reboot, I finally see normal upload speeds again

So thanks for sharing your solution, I confirmed it independently


1 Message

April 18th, 2021 22:00

Wow, me too.

After pulling my hair out trying to figure out why my upload speed was 0.1Mbps I also found out that the solution was to disable the 'Kill optimisation engine', then found this thread as confirmation of what I had done.

Not a good experience.

1 Message

April 30th, 2021 02:00

Thank you!!! this was driving me nuts!

I simply went to control panel and uninstalled killer control center....

Not sure if I created some other issues for myself by doing so, but my upolad speed is no longer under 1!

82 Posts

May 5th, 2021 19:00

Thanks alot , it also works in an Area 51m R2, problem solved.



1 Message

May 6th, 2021 02:00

Dear "drtimoneill",

You deserve a medal... days and weeks I was trying to solve the upload issue I have with my Dell XPS 9310, getting around 600mb download from my fiber network, and an awful 15mb upload.

Turning off the prioritization in the Killer Control Center did the trick, and I now have same speed on both up- and download.

Many many thanks !

August 8th, 2021 07:00

Exact same thing for me

August 8th, 2021 07:00

Why does dell put this rubbish on the computer. What a waste of days I’ve had until i found this thread 

August 8th, 2021 07:00

Thanks so much, spent days on this. Reinstalled windows 10, reset my router….

Loads of fiddling with network settings, turned off the optimisation (killer thing) and all good 

12 Posts

August 8th, 2021 15:00

I had the same issue and found the same exact solution after endless tries. Even forwarded solution to Dell support to share to others. It’s just yet another proof of the unacceptable quality of this product. How can you ship devices with this kind of connectivity issues? It shows that Dell uses their customers to test the products, instead of testing themselves before release.

1 Rookie


87 Posts

August 8th, 2021 17:00

The Killer Control Center is an application provided by Intel for use with their wireless adapter on the Dell systems.

The benefit of the KCC application is that it provides the user with the ability to prioritize applications using the Internet Unfortunately the application is not very informative and can lead users to enable options and features that cause more harm than good.

Speaking from personal experience I discovered the inability to use the Windows Hello functionality to login to my XPS15 was the direct result of enabling a feature within KCC that was turning off various services in its effort to increase available memory. It wasn't until I spent a month that I discovered KCC to be the cause of my headache.

In closing the KCC can be helpful if/when it's configured properly for use, ensuring the system auto-connects to the best wireless access point, allocating Internet resources to preferred applications, etc., but the truth be told IMO most users don't really need this functionality. Hence it's more likely to cause grief than be of benefit.

1 Message

August 16th, 2021 07:00

Thank you.  That's brilliant!

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