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October 14th, 2005 02:00

missing DLL files

What do I do to restore these files to my PC? I went to the Microsoft website, and they say it's not supported by their support group. I have Windows XP Home Edition, and the CD is on older version than what is now updated on the PC.

1.3K Posts

October 14th, 2005 03:00

how do you know that you are missing dll files? what error messages are you seeing?
it could be that you are missing dll files for trojans, viruses, spyware, pop-up generators...
if you are missing dll files for win xp, you could try running "sfc /scannow".. to do that, go to start/run and type "sfc /scannow" (minus quotation marks).. note that there is a space between sfc and /scannow..

Message Edited by redwolfe_98 on 10-14-2005 12:02 AM

18.8K Posts

October 14th, 2005 04:00


Insert the Windows XP Home CD before you run system file checker. Hold down the Shift key when you put the CD in to prevent it from autostarting. Then run sfc /scannow and the CD should not autostart and go into an install mode when it is needed to replace files.

4 Posts

October 14th, 2005 04:00

"Adobe failed to start  TwainPP.dll was not found.", also couldn't open the Works calendar..said, "try reinstalling Works" 

I did what you suggested, and it did find  missing files, so put in the Windows XP CD as it told me to, then the menu came up to reinstall.....which I tried to do earlier, but it said the CD was an earlier version than that on my PC. It seems it is doing something from the scan you suggested, once I put in the disk. It's checking the protected Windows files are intact, it says. It still won't let me install from this CD. And still get the same messages. It finished scanning,a nd now says "files required for Windows to run properly must be copied to the DLL cache. Insert your Windows XP Home Edition CD Rom now..which I did, but doesn't seem to be getting them from it. so what does one do? That's the CD that came with this PC.


4 Posts

October 14th, 2005 05:00

Well, I reinstalled ADOBE Photoshop, now guess I need to do the same for WORKS....still don't understand why these programs disappeared, or files did! I keep everything updated and least I thought I did! It doesn't seem it took anything off the CD during the scan. I'm lost now!


1.3K Posts

October 14th, 2005 06:00

if you have never reformatted your harddrive, "sfc" is probably "pointing" to files on your harddrive, the "i386" folder, in "c:", instead of the win xp cd.. i think that is why sfc is not reading from the win xp cd..
if you have ever used "driver cleaner" for removing drivers for your video card, that is probably why sfc is reporting files missing.. it is not really anything to worry about, in my opinion.. just run sfc,and if it says that files are missing, just click whatever you need to to allow the "sfc" process to continue running until it finishes, ignoring the "file missing" messages..
for the problem with the missing "twainpp.dll" file, do a google search..

4 Posts

October 14th, 2005 13:00

Never did either of those, so guess I will just reinstall what it tells me to, but sure don't understand why it would happen all of a sudden like that. Thanks so much for your help!


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