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This post is more than 5 years old


June 8th, 2006 10:00

Frozen on desktop, mouse curser moves, but can't click on anything

Frozen on desktop, mouse curser moves, but can't click on anything. When I go to the start button, I get the hour glass. Why is it doing this?

121 Posts

June 8th, 2006 16:00

The more details you offer better aids one as assisting.

Have you re-started PC (cold shutdown)? Is it doing this all the time or freak occurence? I'm assuming your using XP.

54 Posts

June 8th, 2006 17:00

Yes, I have shut it down a few times. Still won't let me click on anything. But, the cursor moves with the mouse. It IS XP.
Obvioulsy, I can't go anywhere but the desktop. When I go to the task bar or start button, it turns to the hour glass.

2K Posts

June 8th, 2006 17:00

Oh, and it's sooo aggravating. Sometimes my Windows XP will do a hard freeze, and holding in the power button is the only way to turn off,turn back on.

I found something that helps, some. But it disables Windows CD burning (if you use other burning software, it is fine)

(THAT's if you can got to start--run)

Go to start--run

Type in "services.msc" (without quotes) OK

find imapi cd burning COM service. Right click, choose "properties"

Change startup type to "disabled" OK.

Stop the service, also.

Ok, then there is programs running in the background that may contribute to the freezes.

Disable the ones you don't need. If you have questions about what programs to disable, just ask and someone can answer you here.

Good luck!!

Message Edited by msil217 on 06-08-200601:37 PM

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