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1 Rookie


12 Posts


June 6th, 2024 20:20

After node imaging management tool "failed to execute script"

After 3 hours the image has been deployed and booted in version 8 on the 6 nodes.

The script completed successfully.

The only thing I see is the following message in all of them once booted into VMware ESXI 8.0.2 build-23305546

Installation Status: Product Unknown is failed to be installed because of error failed to execute script

The hosts are not wired, only with the iDRAC.

Is this message normal given that the communications infrastructure is not prepared? Or there's a problem with the operating system.


4 Operator


1.8K Posts

June 7th, 2024 01:32

When I've encountered the same issue, it was not reproced after resetting iDRAC and retry node imaging

1 Rookie


12 Posts

June 10th, 2024 15:21

@DELL-Naoyuki K​ Thanks, 

I have relaunched the imagin process on one of the nodes and the problem persists.

I'm going to wait until I have wired the nodes and the communications configured to see how it behaves then.

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