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October 4th, 2022 04:00

Expand Lun which is rdf pair

Hello Team,

Can someone provide me the steps to expand a lun which is being replicated via SRDF.

I have suspended SRDF and then tried to expand the lun, but still getting error stating the lun is in rdf group.




8.7K Posts

October 6th, 2022 06:00


Your account would need to have the serial number for a device attached.


Here are the articles:


How to expand a dynamic SRDF striped meta online

The following are steps to expand a dynamic SRDF striped meta online

1.)  Suspend or split the SRDF link

symrdf -g DgName split

2.)  Delete the device pairing to change the devices and group to non-RDF regular, (THIS DOES NOT affect the data on the device, only removes the RDF atrribute)

symrdf -g DgName deletepair

3.)  Expand R1

add dev yyy to meta_head xxx, protect_data=TRUE, bcv_meta_head=ccc;

NOTE: ccc must be the same size and type as current meta and newly added device must be dynamic RDF enabled.

4.)  Expand R2

add dev yyy to meta_head xxx, bcv_meta_head=ccc;

NOTE: ccc must be the same size and type as current meta and newly added device must be dynamic RDF enabled.

5.)  Run a discover to update the database.

symcfg discover

6.)  Create the RDF pairing, the FileName should contain the newly expanded RDF pair.

 symrdf -f FileName -sid xxx -RDFG GrpNum createpair -establish

NOTE: this command creates the pairing, adds the dynamic RDF flag, then issues a full establish.

7.)  Run another discover to make sure the database is completely up to date.  Everything should be all set after this final discover.

 symcfg discover

Additional Information


Please note that this procedure below only applies to a DYNAMIC RDF pair, NOT a STATIC RDF pair.

A static RDF device is defined in the bin file. The RDF attribute is permanent. It can be changed with symconfigure.

A dynamic RDF device is NOT defined in the bin file as an RDF device, but a dynamic device  and can be changed on the fly very quickly with createpair and deletepair commands.

There are a couple or checks you can do to determine if a device is STATIC or DYNAMIC.

Do A symdev show on the device.

Look for the flag: Dynamic RDF Capability      : XXXXX

Possible values are R1 Capable, R2 Capabile, or R1 and R2 Capabile, and NONE.

If the attribute is set to None, its a STATIC RDF device. The Dynamic RDF Capability flag is a device attribute and is set with the symconfigure flag.

A couple of other commands would be, symrdf list -dynamic. This would list ONLY RDF devices that are already in a dynamic pair. A symdev list -dynamic would list ALL devices RDF, and NON RDF that have the dynamic attribute set.

See Solution for the procedure on how to expand a striped STATIC RDF meta device.
000305443 VMAX: What are the steps to expand an existing striped SRDF meta device?



What are the steps to expand an existing striped SRDF meta device?
How do I expand a striped SRDF meta device?

Using Symmetrix Configuration Manager from the CLI:


  1. Remove the SRDF Attribute from the existing meta device.
    Create a command file with the following syntax to remove RDF from an RDF1+Mir:
    convert dev xxx to 2-Way-Mir;
  2. Add the new device to the existing meta device. 
    Create a command file with the following syntax to expand the meta device and maintain data:  

add dev yyy to meta xxx, protect_data=TRUE, bcv_meta_head=ccc;


  1. Add the SRDF attribute back to the device. Syntax options of the convert operation from the Symmetrix Configuration Manager product guide are as follows:
    convert dev SymDevName to DeviceConfig, ra_group=n, remote_dev=SymDevName,
    invalidate=R1|R2|None, start_copy=YES|NO;

For example, if connected locally to the R1 Symmetrix create a command file with the following:
convert dev xxxx to RDF1, remote_dev=xxxx invalidate=none, start_copy=no;


If this is an online meta expansion, Refer to knowledgebase solution 25029  "Can I expand a Microsoft Windows volume online".

Additional Information

Note that this procedure only applies to STATIC RDF meta devices, NOT DYNAMIC RDF meta devices.

A static RDF device is defined in the bin file. The RDF attribute is permanent. It can be changed with symconfigure.

A dynamic RDF device is NOT defined in the bin file as an RDF device, but a dynamic device  and can be changed very quickly with createpair and deletepair commands.

There are a couple of checks you can do to determine if a device is STATIC or DYNAMIC.

Do A symdev show on the device.

Look for the flag: Dynamic RDF Capability      : XXXXX

Possible values are R1 Capable, R2 Capabile, or R1 and R2 Capabile, and NONE.

If the attribute is set to None, it is a STATIC RDF device. The Dynamic RDF Capability flag is a device attribute and is set with the symconfigure flag.

A couple of other commands are:
symrdf list -dynamic - This would list ONLY RDF devices that are already in a dynamic pair.
symdev list -dynamic would list ALL devices, both RDF and NON RDF, that have the dynamic attribute set.

See Solution 9322  for the procedure on how to expand a striped an RDF DYNAMIC meta device.


The SRDF pair must be in a split state. symrdf -g group split

For more information about converting a device to SRDF and using the Symmetrix Configuration Manager, refer to knowledgebase solution 6245 .

For more information, refer to the EMC Symmetrix Configuration Change CLI Product Guide.



7.1K Posts

October 4th, 2022 12:00

Hello Vara5a3,

Here are a couple of links that maybe of assistance.

11 Posts

October 6th, 2022 03:00



I am logged in but still I am not able to view those links. It says " This article is permission based"

Would you be able to post the content of those pages here please ?


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