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1 Rookie


1 Message


June 19th, 2024 04:43

Unity Disk Response Time is Weird

I am writing a monitoring system for Unity Storage and i have hit a roadblock . When I query Disk response time from Unity API using "sp.*.physical.lun.*.responseTime" query , I got the response time based on each Storage Processor , but the difference is so big from the overall disk response time .

As an example , A disk have the overall response time of 30ms , but the response time for SP A is about 1.86s.

I have no idea why it give me such numbers , can someone explain it to me ?

And how can i get the disk overall response time using API ?

(Sorry about my bad writing , English is not my first language)



7K Posts

June 19th, 2024 15:38

Hello John Hatcher,

Here is our explanation of how drive response time is calculated.

Drive Response Time: Average time spent completing drive I/O requests, in microseconds, for the selected drives used in provisioned storage, including time spent in the queue. Calculated as a weighted average, which gives more weight to the drives with the highest number of I/O requests.

NOTE: The assumptions the system makes when calculating the average drive response time may not hold true for bursty traffic.

1 Rookie


300 Posts

June 19th, 2024 20:21

Do not think the metric description clarifies issue as it seems to vary depending on the Service Processor providing the metric. From the description above, would expect value to be very similar from both SP. I would suggest if this is still an issue to open a case with support.

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