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1 Message


November 30th, 2022 21:00

Dell Update app - false positive?


I recently had a problem updating my Dell Inspirion 15 directly through the Dell Update app.
Upon launch, the application indicated that the graphics card drivers and BIOS should be updated (November 09, 2022 update).
After downloading the update, in addition to the default options, I also checked the option
to force restart the computer - or something like that.

After pressing the button to continue the installation process, Avast Antivirus detected and
quarantined a file from the TEMP folder (from Windows) - h2offt-wx64.exe as allegedly dangerous,
tagged as IDP.Generic. I assume it's a BIOS update related file.

Anyway, on reboot - the BIOS updated, along with some other drivers.

My question is - could the file from the Dell Update site actually be infected with something?
What further steps should I take to ensure my safety?I realize it could have been a simple False
Positive, but you never know, after all there were situations, where somebody hacked stuff on official
servers and replaced official files with malicious ones.

Thanks in advance for your help.

1 Message

November 3rd, 2023 17:09

I got it too, but Norton blocked it. I left it blocked 


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