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This post is more than 5 years old



August 1st, 2003 16:00

Karaoke cdg??

Has anyone tried to burn a karaoke cd using roxio yet? Just wondering if you just get audio or if you will get the words as well. Thanks

1.4K Posts

August 1st, 2003 17:00

Never tried it but you might have to burn it as a data cd.

2.1K Posts

August 2nd, 2003 22:00

Roxio do not burn CD-G format.

August 2nd, 2003 22:00

Thats what I like about this field. Learn something new every day. So, what will? Nero or CDRWIN?

August 2nd, 2003 22:00

From what I understand the karakoe songs are a special format that aren't recognized as traditional music formats. I think Joker would be right, try burning as a data cd and see what happens.

7 Posts

March 9th, 2004 02:00

The cd+g format is not the same data, audio, dvd or vcd.  Your cd or combo cd/dvd burner must support the cd+g format!  Until recently the only drives that would play or copy this format contained hardware encoding.  Updating firmware is not enough.

Chester's on the right track.  CDRWIN has a device compatibility feature that will read your drives capabilities.  Your drive must support. 


7 Posts

March 9th, 2004 02:00

The cd+g format is not the same data, audio, dvd or vcd.  Your cd or combo cd/dvd burner must support the cd+g format!  Until recently the only drives that would play or copy this format contained hardware encoding.  Updating firmware is not enough.

Chester's on the right track.  CDRWIN has a device compatibility feature that will read your drives capabilities.  Your drive must support. 


7 Posts

March 9th, 2004 02:00

The cd+g format is not the same data, audio, dvd or vcd.  Your cd or combo cd/dvd burner must support the cd+g format!  Until recently the only drives that would play or copy this format contained hardware encoding.  Updating firmware is not enough.

Chester's on the right track.  CDRWIN has a device compatibility feature that will read your drives capabilities.  Your drive must support "Reading & Writing" . . .

Subcode information, TAO Track At Once,   DAO Disc At Once, CD+Graphics, CD Text

The short of it is. . . most drives do not support all of these.  Plextor is hailed as the most compatible in the industry!  I have a Liteon cd/dvd combo LDW-811S that works BUT NOT without jumping through quite a few hoops.

I'm not an expert! just lucky enough to find the CD+G Karaoke gold mine site.

Visit for all the answers!

You can download Free trial versions of everything you need to test your hardware to see if it is compatable.  DO NOT BUY ANY REPLACEMENT DRIVES until you educate your self at this site.

In addition to numerous free downloads, there is a "Computer Karaoke Guide" that can be purchased with very detailed step by step instructions, user support forums, karaoke specific tech support

check it out!!    PS these are just opinions from my personal experiences.  I am not gaining anything or affiliated with this site.  I just know I would not have had the patience to find all the answers on my own and I spent several months trying. 

pss  My wife's nickname is Mary-oke.  Understand my motivation???

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