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August 12th, 2015 07:00

Source one upgrade and licensing


I need to upgrade SourceOne from 6.6 version to 7.2

(it will be  4 steps upgrade)

Will I need to enter a new license at some point of this upgrade

there is no mention about licensing in any documents

(at least I didn't find it)

August 12th, 2015 10:00

Hi, No You do not need to enter any licenses when upgrading SourceOne EmailManagement.

Best Regards

Thomas Mellerkjaer Larsen

August 12th, 2015 10:00

Why do You need 4 steps?

Cant You just upgrade from 6.6 to 6.8 SP1 and then to 7.2?

Best Regards

Thomas Mellerkjaer Larsen

24 Posts

August 13th, 2015 02:00

hm,  I missed it, this is possible indeed .

Thanks for hint

114 Posts

August 13th, 2015 04:00

You don't need to enter license information when applying an upgrade or installing a new fresh environment.

But there is a unique ExDpKey for each environment which can be found in the registry:


An example of the ExDpKey:


Please note that i XXX'd some values.

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