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March 17th, 2019 06:00

S718QL image flipping

Dear All We are facing issue after installation of Dell Advanced Projector S718QL, the image automatically flipping (same as mirror image) after some time which cant predict. The projectors are installed in a class room and sessions getting pending due to this. We tried all the ways as per product manual and also updated the firmware to latest. Still the issue exists. we have total three projectors all have same issue. Please help us to resolve this seeking expert support Thanks Ajish

3 Posts

November 20th, 2019 06:00

Glick AV (or anyone who can advise) -

I am being advised by Dell Support to update to the latest firmware (M0R006) to resolve this issue.  I'm highly skeptical of this suggestion since I've been told this before (I've been through 3 firmware updates and one replacement projector)  Based on the date of your posting, I am assuming some of the projectors you've tried were on that latest firmware since it was released in April of this year.  Can you confirm you've still had the issue occur on the latest firmware (M0R006)?

4 Operator


9.4K Posts

March 18th, 2019 07:00

Hi a_k_m,


Thanks for posting.  Apologies that your projector is not performing as expected.


I do see that you've tried "all the ways as per the product manual" but just to be sure, I wanted to make sure you've tried this from page 64:



If you still require assistance and the system is under warranty, you may contact me privately. Be sure to include your personal information (name, address, telephone, email) and your computer's service tag number in your message. Thanks.


If there is no warranty, then you could contact our Out of Warranty team to get a quote for a paid service request. 

April 8th, 2019 05:00

Hi Robert,

I have three of the same S718QL projectors in one of our education sites. We are facing the image flipping issue in all three of the class rooms. The projector mode set from the OSD is Front ceiling.

The firmware running is M0R005.

The projectors has this issue from the very beginning and its just 2 months we installed the same onsite.

The serial number are:

  1. Classroom 36A Left: CN-098PX5-CTK00-879-0014
  2. Classroom 36A Right: CN-098PX5-CTK00-875-0024
  3. Classroom 36B: CN-098PX5-CTK00-875-0016

We have played as much possible to stop this flipping. This is happening intermittently only and we couldn't take a video of this issue.

we are totally in a dilemma and wondering what fix need to be done to solve the problem. Customer is asking for asking replacement as there are regular ongoing classes in the rooms and we are in a situation on how to manage this.

Kindly request your support in this.


Peter Joseph


4 Operator


9.4K Posts

April 8th, 2019 06:00

Hi Peter,

From the looks of your post, your systems would be either under the Commercial or Educational tech support teams.  Our team supports consumer systems. Have you reached out to your Technical Account Manager for assistance?

April 8th, 2019 10:00

Hi Robert,

I couldn't find out the proper Support team section for the product. I was searching for resolution in the community and followed a similar issue reported.

If this is not the right space to discuss and find a fix for the issue, could you kindly advise me whom to contact or direct me to the right support team.

It will be highly appreciated if someone can direct us to the right team to fix the issue at the earliest.


Peter Joseph

4 Operator


9.4K Posts

April 8th, 2019 10:00


Your company or educational service will have a dedicated Dell account representative.  Please reach out to your purchasing department to find who it is.  If you're unable to, then send me the service tag privately and I'll find out who it is.

April 10th, 2019 10:00

We are having the exact same issue but with 5 projectors in our classrooms. We are on firmware M0R004 on all of the projectors. Does the latest firmware address this issue?

4 Posts

May 9th, 2019 07:00


We are having exactly the same problem in Czech Republic (client Wolsvagen-Skoda auto). We got a new repair piece from Dell technicians but the troubles are still the same. It happens randomly after few turn on / offs...

Does anyone know what to do with it?


Best regards 


2 Posts

October 4th, 2019 06:00

Good morning,

We just installed two of the Dell S718QL projectors and we are having the same image flip issue. What we found out is happening is that the projectors will factory reset at random which is causing not only the image to default back to it's factory settings (image flips, keystone settings erased, etc...) but all of the custom network settings are also erased. Is there a solution being worked on at the moment? We have contacted Dell support and was on the phone with them for at least 30 minutes yesterday.

2 Posts

November 4th, 2019 12:00

UPDATE 11/4/2019

NOT GOOD.  We are on our 2nd replacement projector for each of the two we bought.  After calling about the resetting issue, checking firmware, confirming settings, etc., Dell over-nighted us two refurbished (obviously used) replacement projectors.  We were specifically told that they would be marked 'refurbished' but only because they had to be opened and tested.  At first glance, they were clearly used projectors (scuffed plastic, no protective plastic film on the glossy plastic, etc.)  Upon further investigation, they were both damaged and unusable.  One of the projectors had half of the screen out of focus and screws are rattling around inside the case.  A few of the case screws were missing from the housing, so I’m guessing they were what was rattling around inside.   The other projector continuously powers itself on; it even did that with no input cables connected.  It also had a focus issue with all four corners being out of focus and something was rattling around inside of it as well. 

We called again and they were very nice and over-nighted 2 more projectors.  This time, the representative mentioned that they were 'aware' of the problem and that their engineers had found a solution.  We were told that the replacement projectors we would be getting would be 'fixed'.  So, we got the 2nd replacements and tested them in-house for over a week.  We turned them off and on up to a dozen times a day, leaving them off and on for various periods of time.  These were also obviously used projectors - one had over a 1,000 hours on it!  During our in-house testing they never reset, so we took them out and installed them (ceiling-mounted).  Two weeks later, we get the dreaded email from the client saying the one has reset.  Sinking feeling in chest, heart-rate increases, blood pressure spiking, you know...

We called in again today, had to open a new case because it was past 10 days (I was on the phone for an hour with Dell) and here we go again...


3 Posts

November 18th, 2019 07:00


I am so glad that I found this thread.  This exact issue has plagued us since mid 2018 when we bought the S718QL.  I drove myself nuts trying to troubleshoot this issue (replacing different cables/components that make up the overall AV system).  The screenshots that PeteMannai posted is exactly what we experience (also exact same orientation - front ceiling).  It's a very transient issue that is impossible to reproduce consistently.  Eventually I tried updating the firmware on the projector while working with Dell Support.  This turned out to be a bad experience, support didn't know what they were doing and the instructions for updating the firmware were missing some important information.  I think I was able to update 2 out of the 6 components successfully.  After going back and forth, I finally got Dell to send me a brand new projector that had the latest firmware on it.  I thought the issue was gone, but it's happened with the new projector as well.  Unfortunately, this is our boardroom projector so any issues look very bad for us. Last week, the issue happened during a board meeting so now it's a very high-vis issue.  I kid you not, I turn this projector on every day seeing if I can recreate the issue, but I can't.  Now we dread any calls from that room.  I see that there are new firmware updates, but I don't have any faith in it fixing the issue.

Overall, I'm very disapointed in this projector because of this issue. We paid a lot of money for this projector and it reflects poorly upon us.   I have no idea what to do at this point.  Dell, are there any updates to this issue??


1 Message

November 18th, 2019 07:00


Keep us updated on any progress on your end please. We bought one of these expensive projectors 8 months ago, had the same issues with the image flipping since it was installed. This thing is making everyone here in IT crazy!. We have checked everything with our setup... from cables, computer video drivers, receiver, etc.. everything is leading to the projector. Updating the firmware on this projector is like pulling teeth. New firmware installed, problem got worst. We received a replacement from Dell a few months back, same problems... nothing has helped and we are out of ideas. Totally disappointed with Dell for releasing such a faulty product that is causing so much distress. 

Dell, please escalate this to top engineers and have this bug fixed. Your S718QL projector is sporadically factory resetting itself. Reboots resolve this until it happens again a few hours/day later. This is delaying meetings and causing stress in our environment as reboots take up to 10-15 minutes each.  



4 Posts

November 20th, 2019 06:00


firmware solved the issue. 

Now we have trouble with overheating of the projector. Are you alright with it? The projector runs 12 hours per day and I got feeling it wasnt designed for it



3 Posts

November 20th, 2019 07:00

Thank you!  I'll give it a try.  Another question, do you update all components  outlined in the guide?  

We don't run our projector that long.  At most, it's turned on for a few hours a day, so I can't report any issues with overheating at this time.


4 Posts

November 24th, 2019 07:00


yes. We have updated all of the parts for firmware. 


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