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March 15th, 2005 18:00

Converting Microsoft Word to PDF

I wrote a manuscript for my book in Microsoft Word.  I then paid a huge sum for someone to convert it to PDF.  This person made many errors in doing this.  However, finally I had it in PDF which was made into a book.  Now I need to have more books printed but I need to fix a few typo errors.  The printing company said all I needed to do is send in correct pages in PDF format and simply slip them in to replace the old page.  My first problem is when I looked at the finished book and typed the pages over again correctly in Word it did not fit the page the same way.  Even thought I used the same page set up.  ( Need to be able to just slip the new page in place of the old one to the printer.) I am looking at trying to buy a software for converting or having someone convert it again for me but why won't it just come out looking exactly like the finished book.  Please someone out there help me. I can't go back to the person who originally converted for me.

1.1K Posts

March 15th, 2005 18:00


You should probably re-post your software inquiry at a software forum, perhaps here: .  This Upgrade Hardware Forum is probably not the best place to get the most appropriate answer for your word processing issue.

Good luck,


Courteous Dell Community Forum members search first, then post. 

1.5K Posts

March 15th, 2005 19:00

I got Adobe Professional 7.0. This version allows the user to edit PDFs and convert Word documents to PDFs. I don't know about lower version. All I know is that mine works. This thing cost a lot though, I think $300 or something. I got it from my dad's work. :)


165 Posts

March 16th, 2005 13:00

There are several programs on the market that will convert Word files to PDF.
You could check out:

or read the article:

You'll find more if you do a Google search for "convert MS Word to PDF format" (without the quotation marks).

83 Posts

March 16th, 2005 18:00

OpenOffice (the freeware version of Microsoft Office) is capable of making PDF files.  Definately worth looking into.  I installed OpenOffice just to see how it was, compared to Microsoft & how it handles PDFs and it worked flawlessly for me.  It is completely free and legal.

11.9K Posts

March 16th, 2005 19:00

@trytolearn wrote:
I wrote a manuscript for my book in Microsoft Word.  I then paid a huge sum for someone to convert it to PDF.  This person made many errors in doing this.  However, finally I had it in PDF which was made into a book.  Now I need to have more books printed but I need to fix a few typo errors.  The printing company said all I needed to do is send in correct pages in PDF format and simply slip them in to replace the old page.  My first problem is when I looked at the finished book and typed the pages over again correctly in Word it did not fit the page the same way.  Even thought I used the same page set up.  ( Need to be able to just slip the new page in place of the old one to the printer.) I am looking at trying to buy a software for converting or having someone convert it again for me but why won't it just come out looking exactly like the finished book.  Please someone out there help me. I can't go back to the person who originally converted for me.
All the responses seem to be re: converting the page, versus what I think is your problem which is what the page looks like as a PDF when you do convert it, and that it doesn't match the older PDF format.  Am I right?
Or, are  you saying that a Word page doesn't match the PDF? 
Please provide more info.  Be very specific as to what doesn't match.

11 Posts

June 24th, 2007 14:00

83 Posts

June 24th, 2007 17:00

2 years later.....

Message Edited by gjetson99 on 06-24-2007 02:09 PM
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