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This post is more than 5 years old


April 27th, 2012 14:00

PowerPath/VE 5.7 on vSphere 5.0 U1 - Unserved lic - not licensed afer reboot

Installed PP/VE 5.7 b173 on my 5.0U1 hosts,  rebooted.

I am able to license the hosts wih unserved licenses. Life is good.

Once I reboot the host, the host comes back saying that it is not is not licensed. (both with rpowermt and through the EMC VSI snapin)

I spoke with support over Chat and they said that this behavior is by design. Sounds strange to me that I have to register my PP/VE lic's everytime I reboot the ESX host.

So I asked him if this was also the case when you use a license server with served licenses.

His answer was also yes.

Am I missing something here? If this is truly the case, why are things becoming harder to manage instead if simpler.

I have a feeling that there is more to the story hence the reason me posting my question here.


52 Posts

May 4th, 2012 14:00


Hi!  The licensing in PowerPath/VE is working as designed.  For Ver 5.7, we fully enable the kernel at all times but do not enable monitoring/management until a license is applied.   It is not possible to persist this knowledge across reboots.  We fully support Autodeploy and stateless ESXi with vSphere 5.0, which required the licensing changes in PP/VE 5.7.

At this time, the customer could write a script that runs the PP/VE CLI command, rpowermt display, on all the hosts, on a regular basis, to re-license the hosts

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