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1 Rookie


2 Posts


June 4th, 2024 11:24

secure snap

When a secure snap reaches it expiry date, will it be terminated automatically, or it still exist and become a traditional snap?

I do not have powermax here, so it would be great if you just create a quick test with 1 hour expiry date, and verify. Thank you!!



7K Posts

June 4th, 2024 18:09

Hello vuser1,

Once the retention time has expired, the secure snapshot will be automatically terminated unless there is a linked device or an active restore session is ongoing.

1 Rookie


2 Posts

June 5th, 2024 01:31

Thanks, I have seen it from the official documentation but I do not powermax here to verify. The thing is, I got a question and must choose only 1 correct answer:

1. The Secure Snapshot remains secure after its expiration date, as long as it is linked

2. Administrators can only extend the expiration date before the Secure Snapshot expires

The 1st answer looks totally fine to me

I cannot say the second answer is wrong without verification. So I really need a quick test to confirm. Is the secure snap really terminated after the expiry date, according to the documentation?




7K Posts

June 5th, 2024 15:24

Hello vuser1,

The secure snap is terminated after the expiry date as stated in the documentation.

Q1 is correct that as long as it is linked or part of an active restore then it will remain secure.

Q2 The expiry time on a Secure snapshot can be changed but the time can only be moved forward from the expiry time originally set.

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