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1 Rookie


5 Posts


June 25th, 2024 17:11

Online Diagnostics: System Memory Health Warning

Our PE R210 II has a blinking #4 LED--Bios Checksum failure according to the user guide.

However the Online Diag utility reports only a System Memory problem as seen below.

The server and apps are running just fine.  I'm not seeing errors in the Windows Server 2008 R2 System or App logs. 

Any chance the problem is a correctable error in the ECC memory, just one of the two sticks, or is there memory associated with the system BIOS?

It seems strange that the class of one of the below reports is "System Memory" and the other is "Memory DIMM Device"

Could the problem be some other memory, not with one of the ECC memory sticks?

If it might be a BIOS related error I'm hesitant to restart my server to run diagnostics for fear of it not being able to boot up to  Windows Server.   This is an old call recorder for the phone system and as a new site tech I don't have the original install DVD I'd need to restore my bare metal backup.   

Any thoughts for a guy who is in a bad spot?



3.9K Posts

June 25th, 2024 23:50

Hello, thanks for choosing Dell and welcome to our community.

1. This LED issue- happening all of a sudden out of nowhere or do you recall making some changes to the system?
2. Did you add an extra memory?
3. These are the commands you can use to check out the memory sizes:
a. Use Command Prompt to see the total installed RAM:
systeminfo | findstr /C:"Total Physical Memory".
b. It's also available through Control Panel and System Information.
c. Open Task Manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc), then Performance>Memoryto check live RAM details.

Also, FYI, you can see that from the link below (page 29) R210II supports ECC memories only.

This may help too:




1 Rookie


5 Posts

June 26th, 2024 14:02

Thank you for the reply. 

I did not make any changes to this server in recent weeks other than installation of the Dell Online Diags utility after I first saw the warning LED and occasional removal and reconnection of a USB storage drive.   Our phone system consultant might have made a change to one or more of their apps but they did not report any major changes. 

I certainly did not add or change memory.   

A couple months ago I reseated the memory and blew out the server as a part of routine maintenance but I did not start to see the warning LED until a few days ago.  I visit this tech closet daily. 

I don't have the memory specs for this server documented, but this does not seem strange. 

[ sorry my pic disappeared]

Installed physical memory 8GB

Total physical Memory 7.97GB

Available physical memory 3.45GB

Again I don't have a baseline for Task Manager memory utilization

[ pic of top users of memory disappeared]

Squlserver.exe 1,700,000k

Tomcat9..32   420,000k

Tomcat9  180000k

unifiedicap   100,000lk

Thank you for the links.  The relevant error code in the kbdoc is the same as I saw in the user guide for the R210 II.   

This is what I'm seeing:

The server is still running fine today.  

I re-ran the Online Diags utility today with the same results.

The Windows App log still looks good, however, I am now seeing disk related errors in the system log that I had not seen previously.  This is the same minute the Windows full bare metal backup completed "Successful."

[ pic disappeared]

Source Disk, ID 11  the driver detected a controller error on Device Harddisk1\dr2

( This has a S100/300 Raid card with 2 HDDs in Raid 1 )




3.5K Posts

June 26th, 2024 14:12


is the BIOS and iDRAC up to date?


1 Rookie


5 Posts

June 26th, 2024 16:15

Thank you Marco B. 

The server does not seem to have an iDRAC.  I don't see the NIC where I would expect to see it.  

System Information reports :

"BIOS Version/Date  Dell Inc. 2.7.0, 11/15/2013

Strangely there is an "urgent" Bios update available on Dell's site 

Version   2.10.0   Release date  16 Jul 2018

The server's technical guide shows the following.  That is strange in contrast to the pic of my server provided previously. 




8.6K Posts

June 26th, 2024 16:27



Would you confirm if the specific dimm causing issues is identified in the logs? I ask because if it is then you can try powering down the server and swapping that dimm with another matching one in the server to see if the error follows the dimm, or stays at the slot, helping to identify the cause. 


1 Rookie


5 Posts

June 26th, 2024 17:20

Thank you Chris. 

CORRECTION:   The LED that is lit on my server is not "Diagnostic Indicator" #4!

The System Status Indicator--#6--is lit!

I apologize for the confusion. 

I will investigate the DIMMs as you instructed.  

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