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This post is more than 5 years old


August 11th, 2006 22:00

Netgear MA111

I have had my new DELL PC for 5 hours and am trying to set up my wireless connection, we have a network and I was simply and easily connecting with the Netgear MA111wireless USB adapter. I thought this would be really easy with my new DELL, but I was wrong. First, upon installing the software, it said that the software could damage my PC, so I cancelled. Then I was told to just install as usual and it should work for Windows XP. I did so, only when I connected the USB to the PC, blue screen came - announcing that windows had shut down to prevent damage to my PC. This was really cut and dry on my old PC, what am I doing wrong? I can't even find a phone number to get help from DELL with this, even though I have technical support included with my purchase.
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