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1 Rookie


19 Posts


June 14th, 2024 08:22

Is cross-platform migration and migration to the NVE-appliance officially supported?

As the title suggests, I'm looking for an official documentation that states whether the mentioned migration scenarios are 'officially' supported. 

Regarding cross-platform, I have read on forums that it is possible with some extra steps, but there is no official guide provided by Dell, at least I could find one.

I used SolVe to create a migration manual and there was nothing mentioned about it, nor could I find anything in the administration guide or the command reference guide under nsrdr.

A common request from our customers is to migrate NetWorker from bare metal to vSphere, I recommend setting up a Windows Server VM rather than NVE as I'm not sure if the migration works on NVE and I haven't had time to test it in our lab.

Does anyone have experience of either migration scenario or perhaps a Dell employee reading this can provide some official information?

2 Intern


129 Posts

June 14th, 2024 15:24

we were intending to look into doing a migration from RHEL to NW NVE and considering doing a DR of the NW server, but as it is nowhere stated that this is supported and there is no instruction to do so, in the end we opted to "simply" migrate clients from old to new backup server, taking the opportunity also to get rid of old pains and legacy configurations along the way, which were deemed to time consuming to do that on production, for example newer naming conventions, which is a lot to do on large scale environments.

This also prevents downtime and one can move clients at their own pace. Yes, in the end this takes more time and steps, but that way one also gets rid of old stuff, with - if one is somewhat experienced with that - a lot of scripting, one would be able to speed up things somewhat also, (re)creating clients, groups, workflows, policies, schedules and what not, modifying them where needed to conform to newer naming conventions and improved insights.

And also get rid of legacy stuff like no longer having oldauth set on the NW NVE's (which is default of new NW server and client installs from nw19.4 onwards), if it turns out that some old legacy clients cannot handle that anymore, also a good reason no longer possibly to accept those.

So client migrations can be done in a very controlled way, from old physical to new NVE. With some proper preparation and analysis and scripting, it should not be too problematic. But as each environment can be unique in a sense, it might take customized scripting each time, also not everyone is as proficient in scripting as the other, so might also be very personal what kinda scripting to use, and what kind of data transformations might be needed, with some comparison tables of old vs. new setups.

investing some time in this I would consider worth my while, however some prefer to do stuff more manually (which is however more prone to errors). But with nw9 onwards, doing this is more complicated compared to until nw8, but one has to become accustomed to using nsrpolicy and where needed combined with nsradmin.

There is a more recent internal Dell document that talks about cross platform migrations, but that states the caveat that said doc should not be provided to customers and that Dell Professional Services is to be involved... and even that doc in no way talks about migrating towards NVE, which is different than migrating to regular supported Linux distro's (even Suse linux as NVE is Suse under the hood).

We went all-in on NW NVE so to get rid of all RHEL based backup servers, we want to do it in a controlled way, so migrating clients over.

And this is also largely because linux admins don't seem to like the idea of upgrading an OS to a higher major version, as otherwise we might have considered upgrading our linux backup servers (with the intention of first making a snapshot as possible back-out). Hence the move towards NVE, which still makes me wonder how Dell is going to approach a possible upgrade from currently Suse 12 SP5 to Suse 15? But if memory serves me well, one of the earliest NVE version was running Suse 11? Using a snapshot before starting (a best practice we use anyways before doing any NW upgrades or OS patching of a NVE), would make for an rather simple back-out.

But to sum-up, I cannot recall that there is any KB whatsoever that states anything doing a cross-platform migration to NVE?

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