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1 Rookie


3 Posts


July 3rd, 2024 07:20

U2724DE x2, DP not powering on, DDM.exe command line


I'm using DDM.exe in combination with a hotkey to send commands to both displays.

When I press F8, it turns the monitor off, and pressing it again turns the monitor back on. This works perfectly when both monitors are connected via HDMI, as Windows recognizes the connection. I have another script to check the status when the monitor is on (the PowerShell script is below). Unfortunately, DDM can't provide the monitor's on/off state.

The issue arises when one or both monitors are connected via DisplayPort. When I press F8, the monitor turns off as expected, but pressing it again doesn't turn it back on. Checking with the PowerShell script, Windows shows the monitor as completely offline, as if it's not connected to the computer.

It seems HDMI maintains some power that allows Windows to detect the monitors, which is great, but DisplayPort does not. Is there a setting I need to adjust, or can this be added to the firmware?


; Hotkey to toggle power on and offF8::{global ToggleToggle := ToggleCommand("C:\Program Files\Dell\Dell Display Manager 2\DDM.exe", "/WritePower off", "/WritePower on", Toggle)}; Function to toggle execution of a command with two sets of parametersToggleCommand(exePath, param1, param2, toggleVar){; Determine which set of parameters to use based on the toggle variableparameters := toggleVar ? param2 : param1; Run the command with the selected parametersRun(exePath " " parameters); Return the flipped toggle variable statereturn !toggleVar}

PowerShell script to check if monitor is on 

$monitors = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\wmi -Class WmiMonitorBasicDisplayParamsforeach ($monitor in $monitors) {$instanceName = $monitor.InstanceName$isActive = $monitor.Activeif ($isActive) {Write-Output "Monitor $instanceName is active."} else {Write-Output "Monitor $instanceName is not active."}}# Pause at the endRead-Host -Prompt "Press Enter to exit"

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