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March 27th, 2014 05:00

U2414H driver for Windows XP?

I posted a question on this Dell forum, hoping for some help and advice on a new Dell U2414H monitor I recently purchased.

Below =
“I’ve also got a big problem with a Dell Monitor Driver, the Dell U2414H. I’m also using XP on a Dell Dimension 8400 (using a DVI – HDMI cable) and can’t find a Driver for my new monitor and would really appreciate some help. Many thanks for any help that can be given.”

The reply Chris of Dell gave =
“There is no Windows XP support for our newer monitors such as this U2414H. Dell only provided a Windows 7/8/8.1 driver. The U2414H User's Guide also only references Windows 7/8/8.1.”

Thank you for your reply Chris, but I’m at a loss to what I do next, what are my options, I don’t really want to return this monitor, but if this new Dell monitor U2414H monitor isn't compatible with my Dell Dimension 8400 PC, I’ll have no choice. What do you suggest Chris?

March 28th, 2014 04:00

Thank you for all your help Chris, i’ve had help from another forum and its now been sorted out and working a treat. The monitor is compatible with PC’s using Windows XP and I no longer get the warning message displayed. The problem was running the Dell CD that came with the monitor, it installed a driver which wasn’t for XP. I honestly know nothing about computers and since the day I unpacked the monitor its been one problem after another. Problems which wouldn’t exist if more information came with the monitor and/or Dells tech support dept. were up to date with the products Dell sells. The U2414H monitor only comes with a mini displayport – displayport cable, for PC’s without a displayport outlet it needs a DVI – HDMI cable, which I didn’t know and took me a couple of days to find out, by asking for info and advice on other forums, and then another couple of days for the cable to be delivered, less than a fiver from Amazon. Thanks Chris I’m now well happy with my new monitor.

Community Manager


55K Posts

March 27th, 2014 07:00

The operating system should simply give the monitor the name "generic PNP monitor" in the device manager. Are you saying that you cannot set the monitor to its native resolution of 1920x1080?

March 27th, 2014 08:00

No Chris, when I start the PC I get a warning message informing me the monitor -
Can not install this hardware. There was a problem installing this hardware.
An error occurred during the installation of the device. A service installation section in this INF is invalid
Click Finish to close the wizard

I really hope you can help me with this problem because I’d like to keep the monitor, but the way it is at the moment, it seems to be incompatible with my system, so I’ll have no choice but to return it to Dell. Many thanks for any help you can give me.

Community Manager


55K Posts

March 27th, 2014 09:00

* Disconnect the monitor USB upstream cable and any monitor audio cabling from the computer
* Be sure that only one video cable is connected from the monitor to the computer. Either Display Port, Mini-Display Port, or HDMI
* Uninstall any U2414H software (drivers, DDM Dell Displays Manager) you may have installed
* Restart the computer. Does the error message appear?

March 27th, 2014 10:00

Yes Chris, I disconnect the monitor USB upstream cable, there is no monitor audio cabling from the computer. Disconnected the DVI – HDMI cable. Deleted the driver in the Displays Manager, the warning message still comes up.

I’ve connected another monitor, which I borrowed, and there was no warning message, I thought this might clear it when reconnected the new U2414H monitor, but no, its still displaying the warning message when I start the PC.

When it comes to computers i’m a total novice, so I really do need help, I bought this new monitor thinking it would just be a case of plugging the cables and that would be it. I’m spending hours on the internet trying to get info, help and advice, when I should be working.


Thanks Chris, I really hope you can help me out with this, if you can’t I’ll have to send the monitor back to Dell and I’ll have to go to a shop and get their advice, on what monitor is compatible with my system, and buy a new one from them.

July 4th, 2014 08:00

Chris M, if I may chime in here, since I have the very same issue with my Dell UltraSharp 27" Widescreen Flat-Panel IPS LED HD Monitor Model U2713HM, which is showing nice 2560 x 1440 resolution via DisplayPort to my Dell Latitude E6500 (XP Pro, SP3). The monitor is working great, but on every bootup, Found New Hardware Wizard says “Cannot install this Hardware - There was a problem installing this hardware: 7JNT541Q501SDELL U2713HM   An error occurred during the installation of this device A service installation section in this INF is invalid.”

Assuming this is what is triggering the unnecessary Found New Hardware Wizard error message, and following your advice to this poster,I uninstalled Dell Display Manager, and I also uninstalled this driver, that appears in Device Manager with a yellow flag:

However, when I reboot, the driver reappears!!! How is that happening?  Is there a solution to this?  Also, is it really a major programming issue for Dell to provide a workable INF file for XP users? These issues have been going on long before Dell stopped support for XP, so I really an puzzled why they haven't been addressed.

I don't mean tohijack this thread; I just thought you might find my post helpful since it's so similar to the original poster's issue.  Finally, thanks for being so active and helpful in the forums.

Community Manager


55K Posts

July 5th, 2014 16:00

For the laptop testing, disconnect the monitor USB upstream cable from the laptop and retest. It is odd that there are seven monitors listed. Is there a desktop computer with XP to test this U2713HM on to see if the same issue occurs? The decision was made by the Dell Displays team to not support XP. Once that line in the sand was drawn, that is it.

July 6th, 2014 11:00

Chris M, many thanks for the reply....

I guess what you mean is, try it on another XP machine....I'll do that, and report back. And, I will make sure that i DO NOT use the installation CD in case the problem has  anything to do with my erroneous attempt to install what turned out to be non-XP drivers on my XP Pro laptop.

Being a hasty new purchaser, drooling over achieving long-dreamed-of high resolution nirvana, I used the install CD when I first got the monitor. The driver installer only reported something to the effect that, "can't install driver..there may be something wrong, or you may have to install this driver manually."  There's no way to tell if the driver installer DID anything to my system before issuing that message. When they were preparing the installation CD, since the Dell Displays team knew this monitor was not going to support XP, it might have been a good idea to have the Driver Installer report back something more meaningful, ie, "Driver Installation canceled without changes to your computer - these Drivers cannot be installed on an XP system and there are no XP drivers available for this monitor".

Fortunately, if you use Display Port, it works just fine on XP Pro SP3 as I noted in my last might have been nice if the Installation CD had helpfully mentioned that, too, in that error message, ie, "However, if your XP system has DisplayPort, this monitor will work at ultra-high resolution if you simply purchase a DisplayPort cable..."

Regarding the persistent Found New Hardware Wizard errors, per your suggestion I rebooted without the USB upstream cable but, alas, the "Found New Hardware Wizard" keeps appearing.

I've googled "Default Monitor" and "Device Manager" and have found others who also end up with multiple default monitors being listed in XP Device Manager's Monitors section.  Not sure if this even matters, it's just another anomaly i've noticed while troubleshooting this issue.

What do you think my chances are that a paid support incident would result in my getting this Found New Hardware Wizard issue resolved?  If someone would just explain how the Found New Hardware Wizard works in conjunction with entries in the Windows INI file and entries in the Registry, maybe people could figure out how to turn off these kinds of Found New Hardware Wizard error messages.  From what I see on Google, it's a very commonly encountered problem with printers, cell phones, monitors and other peripherals.

One last thing (not meaning to gripe too much):  Maybe I was blinded by New Monitor Buying Frenzy, but when I was shopping for this monitor, I don't recall seeing any Dell Display Team warnings nor warnings from any of the retailers selling this monitor, stating, "DANGER-THIS MONITOR IS NOT SUPPORTED ON XP."

Community Manager


55K Posts

July 6th, 2014 18:00

What do you think my chances are that a paid support incident would result in my getting this Found New Hardware Wizard issue resolved?
* Low. They would most likely want to you to format/erase the data from the hard disk drive, install the operating system, and drivers, and then connect the monitor without loading any monitor software.

I don't recall seeing any Dell Display Team warnings nor warnings from any of the retailers selling this monitor, stating, "DANGER-THIS MONITOR IS NOT SUPPORTED ON XP.".
* Dell Sales would never post a message like this. We cannot speak to what a retailer says or does not say. If you go here, then place your mouse on the picture of the U2713HM, a popup box appears. In it, it states, "Compatible with Windows 7". Although that should state Windows Vista/7/8/8.1.

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