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This post is more than 5 years old


3 Posts


February 9th, 2005 22:00

Repairing Internet Explorer Browser..

Hi. Can anyone help me? My Internet Explorer Browser needs to be repaired and I can't figure out how to do it. There are a lot of things where nothing happens when I click on and was told to repair the browser. I have a Dell SmartStep 100D desktop with Windows XP. HELP!!!!! You can email me at

18 Posts

February 11th, 2005 06:00

Click on Start and go to Search. In the search box type in "ie.inf". Two files should come up, right click the 2nd one and choose Install. That's it!

3 Posts

February 11th, 2005 12:00

Hi carpytech: I tried to click on search and nothing happens. Is there something else I can do?

Thanks so much.

3 Posts

February 11th, 2005 15:00

Thanks for all your help, but I actually fixed it myself. IE wasn't installed on the computer. Now it works like a charm! I appreciate all your help and have a great weekend!!!!

18 Posts

February 11th, 2005 15:00

Just make sure you're clicking the right Search button. It's under the start menu, not in internet explorer. If you are clicking the right search button under the start menu and it doesnt come up then your computer just needs to have windows completely reinstalled on it.

11 Posts

February 17th, 2005 17:00

After making a successful Internet connection, with the Internet connection icon clearly displayed in system tray, the Internet browser or email program fails to load. The browser will state that it cannot connect to the Internet site. This is the result regardless of what Internet address is entered.  I have contacted both Earthlink and Dell.  Earthlink states my internet browers is not working.  If I do a system restore I can get on line again with the web pages displaying.  Dell states to just do restores.  This does not seem right.  I tried going to the Start and got Search typing in "ie.inf" and choosing the 2nd one.  Nothing every comes up on the screen? 


Any suggestions why this is happending and only restore fixes it until the next time.  Do I just keep restoring the computer.

March 5th, 2005 02:00

I think I might be able to help you with your problem, I use EarthLink as well. Back when Total Access 2004 first came out I upgraded to it and to my surprise it broke IE much like you're describing, I couldn't access any websites. I couldn't fix it, no matter how many times I tried restoring, reinstalling IE, or reinstalling EarthLink. I downloaded Mozilla (An alternate browser) at school and burnt it to a CD-R, I installed it at home and I could access the internet with it. I recomend you do the same, go to and download Mozilla Firefox, it is a great browser and has less security issues than IE. Install that on your computer and make it your default browser. EarthLink will use that instead and your problems with IE should be over.

I eventually got IE working on my computer again, I just reformated and installed TA 2004 from a CD (Rather than an update) and it didn't break updates. Although I doubt they will admit it EarthLink's update system is very bad when it comes to things like this, it causes a lot of problems (The newest update messed up all the profiles on my Mom's computer), I suggest you order CDs to update your EarthLink software rather than downloading updates.

I hope this helps you out.

11 Posts

March 8th, 2005 17:00

OK I will try this.


Thank you for your help.



6 Posts

April 20th, 2005 15:00

This is for anyone using IE. Read this...

Another MSIE Vulnerability
@ Dec 15 2001, 09:12 (UTC-7)
From: stand__sure :
(© by bugtraq) There is a bug in the Microsoft.XMLHTTP component shipped with Internet Explorer 6 which allows reading and sending local files (example).
This component doesn't handle http redirects to local files properly. In order for this exploit to work the file name must be known. The exploit doesn't distinguish between extensions, binary or textual content which may make it a high risk exploit. The bug has been demonstrated on Win98/IE 6 and WinXP/IE 6 and probably exists in previous versions as well. The workaround is to disable active scripting or set it to promp.

To fix it, click tools\internet options\security
Look for a button labeled "custom levels," then scroll down until you see "scripting." Under active scripting, click disable. This closes the security hole. Enjoy!!!
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