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This post is more than 5 years old



1 Message


August 31st, 2006 08:00

Keyboard/mouse frozen after pressing any multimedia button

On a couple of months old Inspiron 6400 - well performing till a few days ago - any single front panel multimedia button click blocks everythings until reboot. Keyboard/mouse clicks seem caught somewhere, except crtl-alt-del and home. The same occurs after pressing FN-audio keys (FN End/Page up/down). After pressing the shutdown button, it appears that all accumulated clicks are executed altogether before shutting down.
I removed all recently installed packages, no success.
A similar issue was signalled last year on a XPS M170, no posted solutions so far.
Any help before reinstalling XP ?

11 Posts

April 1st, 2007 22:00

I just saw your post on the Dell forums about the problem with your computer freezeing whenever you push the front panel media buttons. I have an Inspiron 6000 with the exact same problem. I spent all day yesterday changing software, drivers, BIOS...diagnostic startups, etc...No luck. Did you ever get your problem resolved? If so, how?

2 Posts

May 26th, 2007 00:00

Me too - exact same problem - have lived with it for about 6 months - thought it was hardware and renewed my Dell warranty - only to discover that its fine when booted in secure mode - so not a hardware problem. Dell told me to reload XP - fat lot of good that does me. There must be a solution to this? There is a thread on disabling these media buttons but no way given to do this. Come on Dell - you can do a lot better than this

11 Posts

May 26th, 2007 01:00

I ended up having to reload XP. It was a pain, but I did it because my computer became so unusable. I've pretty much reinstalled all the stuff I had before, no problems. Been on my new setup now about 2 months. So I have to conclude it was either a corrupted file somewhere or possibly a virus (or the first caused by the second).

2 Posts

May 26th, 2007 01:00

Thanks for reply - problem with reloading XP is that it's a real pain - I'd have to get all the license keys for the paid for software - backup all my data, etc - and not knowing where the probelm arose I could well go through all this and the problem could arise on the first day.

I'm inclined to kick out XP & just reload Linux - but this is a shared laptop so I'm reluctant to do this also.

I find it outrageous that Dell have no answer or workaround - judging by the number of posts here this is a common enough problem
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