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This post is more than 5 years old


3 Posts


September 17th, 2004 09:00

Keyboard locked by windows??


    I hope somebody can help. I have a latitude C400 laptop. When I switch the machine on, the keyboard is accessible (I can access set up via F2 of F8), but after this when windows loads the problems see to start.

My login box appears (running windows 2000), with user name already there, but when I go to type in the password, the keyboard doesn't respond, no key responds, Num Lock, Caps lock, normal keys etc???

I have tried an ecternal PS2 and USB keyboard, but these don't work either.

Any ideas how to fis this, or is it terminal?




Message Edited by boulevard on 09-17-2004 05:38 AM

4.2K Posts

September 24th, 2004 03:00

2000 I know.........You may be able to undo the last change, or reload it over the top to fix. Maybe !

4.2K Posts

September 24th, 2004 03:00


It sounds like your OS is stuffed up. Have you tried to boot in safe mode ? I would also try to run the diags, boot from the resource CD and select the Kbd test. If this works OK you can try to fix the OS. If you dont have anything important a reload may be quicker than fixing. What OS are you running ?, and did you install any wireless keyboard or something else before the problem ?

                                                                                 Regards Chris

October 6th, 2004 12:00

i have a similar issue--except that I can log in fine. after windows starts, i cannot type in any program. IE, word, etc. i can hit the windows key and bring up the start menu.


any ideas?

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