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This post is more than 5 years old


20 Posts


October 22nd, 2004 12:00

Black screen

When I turn on my laptop, I see the Dell logo, and then the screen goes black, or sometimes I can see the Windows loading screen dimly. If I try putting my computer in stand-by 2-5 times, the screen becomes normal.
It has been this way from the first time I turned it on.
What is the problem?

20 Posts

October 22nd, 2004 13:00

It's a InspironTM  510m.
The stick doesn't seems the be stuck. When I press it, the computer goes in standby.
Fn+F8 doesn't work.

563 Posts

October 22nd, 2004 13:00

Hello Screener1234,

Welcome to the Dell Community Forum,

I suggest to list which Inspiron that you have so that the forum members may assist you better. This maybe one of the Inspirons  that have the reed switch that's located above the leds that is pressed down when you close the lid. If so, check it to see If it is sticking. Have you tried the toggle function Fn+F8 ?


Message Edited by DELL-MikeB on 10-22-2004 09:37 AM

October 23rd, 2004 21:00

I too had the same symptoms but on an Inspiron 8500. To add to the confusion, it Would load in safe or VGA mode but nothing but black screen with anthing but the lowest video settings. The problem WAS the stuck little tiny reed switch pin as suggested above. A little press on the plastic panel put all to right again......whew.


October 26th, 2004 16:00


Mine got stuck again, Bad design I guess. I took my sharp pointed pocket knife and carefully but somewhat forcefully to where it popped back up. Works now. Hope this dosent become a habit.

The other hole on the right on mine never had anything sticking out of it.


Good luck.

1 Message

October 26th, 2004 16:00

I have an Ispiron 8500, and experiecing this problem as well. There are two small switches above the power switch, I can only see one sticking up through the hole (the left one). I tried a paperclip, but haven't been able to get it unstuck - any ideas?
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