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1 Rookie


16 Posts


March 7th, 2024 20:21

NFS client modification via Rest

Trying to work on an automated process to add to the clients list of a NFS export via a Rest or a web call.  

The only thing I have found so far is the following PUT but it replaces the existing entries in the client list.  


Put https:/<server>/platform/16/protocols/nfs/exports/<id>






The problem is that If server1 is already in the clients list, calling the above adds server2 and server3, but removes server1.  

I could pull the current servers and then add them to the body of the put call along with the new servers, but not 100% that the server 1 would not loose access with it basically being remove and re-added.  


Anyone figure a work around for this?  basically want the equivalent of the following isi command:

isi nfs exports modify --id=<id> --add-client <server>.

1 Rookie


16 Posts

March 14th, 2024 16:50

@Alptech Expert​ Thanks, that is pretty much what I am doing via Powershell subset of script:




# create base for cluster Uri

$baseNFSurl = 'https://'+$Clustersname+/platform/16/protocols/nfs/exports/'



$nfsexportdata=Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Getexportinfourl -Method Get -Headers $headers


$clientlist=New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

foreach($client in $nfsexportdata.exports.clients){







#replace clients


Invoke-RestMethod -uri $modnfsurl -Method "PUT" -Headers $headers -body ($Body|convertto-json)

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