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December 26th, 2022 04:00

Need a simulator of Isilon onefs 7.1

Hi Team,

        I have a doubt regarding isilon commands as there is a version conflict. I think, some commands executed in servers version 7 and 9 are different. For example,  to list a network interface,

version 7: " isi network list interface " and

version 9:  "isi network interface list" .And also, i'm confused whether listing smb shares (isi smb shares list) command works in both the versions. To check this, i need a simulator of version 7 . I haven't found any download page regarding this. plaese do the needful.



28 Posts

December 26th, 2022 05:00

Hello @shyaam_sundar 

command syntax changed over time by versions. There was a big change from 7 to 8. You can find link to CLI commands mapping document released on 2017. I hope you can find relevant information.

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