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2 Posts


March 2nd, 2020 10:00

8 beeps on booting Inspiron N4050

My laptop is giving 8 beeps upon switching it on, with no display. The beeps keep repeating after a while. I had the issue with beeps before too, yet they were really quiet and the laptop worked okay then. Almost a week later, they stopped coming.

The internet says that 8 beeps is LCD failure. 
And yes, I have tried all the remedies and tests, including the following: 

  • Removing battery and adapter and holding power button for 15 seconds.
  • Powering on while holding D.
  • Powering on while holding Fn.
  • Pressing f12 during the booting.


NOTHING is working. Can I please, please get assistance regarding this? 

The Laptop is almost 10 years old, and did slow down a bit while also heating up, but otherwise worked okay. It also has tons of my data which I can't part with. Please help.

4 Operator


20.1K Posts

March 2nd, 2020 10:00

LCD is your screen and it has failed. Attach an external monitor to use until you can replace the old computer.

The screen needs to be replaced. Most likely parts like that will be unavailable on such an old laptop.. It is not worth trying to fix it. 

2 Posts

March 2nd, 2020 11:00

Failed as in broken? Because if the connectors are somehow disconnected, I assumed they can be connected again, right?
Also, will attaching an external screen stop the beeps?

10 Elder


23.8K Posts

March 2nd, 2020 12:00

Hold the D key through powerup.  You should see a series of self-test screens.

If you do not, the screen is bad.

If you do, next thing:  check the cable and both ends of the connector for damage or breaks.  This is a major undertaking, as you'll need to expose the end of the connector on the mainboard and the back of the display panel.  If the cable is damaged, replace it.

If it's not damaged - or replacing it doesn't solve the problem, the problem is with the mainboard or CPU/GPU.

You can also try an external screen, but note that it alone won't solve a display panel, cable or mainboard issue - you must have a working internal display panel to get past the poweron self-test and boot the system..




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