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January 23rd, 2007 20:00

Nvidia Geforce 6800 - upgrade help

I have a XPS400 with the Nvidia Geforce 6800 card (256k).  I have pre-ordered Vista (home premium full version).  I ran Microsoft's upgrade advisor, Dell's version, PCPitstop and one from Cnet.  Everything looked good.
I am however thinking about possiblly upgrading the video card.  I haven't looked yet as I have no idea what to look for.  Money is an issue so I don't know if it's even worth upgrading at this point.  Any advice on what to look for, or even specific cards?  Preferably something I can purchase on the Dell web site as that's the only place I have credit I can use right now.

January 23rd, 2007 21:00

I realize I can buy cheaper elsewhere but right now I can only use my Dell credit for computer stuff (did use regular credit through Amazon for Vista & Office 2007, therefore can't use that for a good while).
I assume my current card is in a PCI slot.  I would want to remove that & install new in same slot since I really have no idea what's available back there but I know it's not much.
As I asked the other person...will the 7900 GS or GT work with Vista?

1.4K Posts

January 23rd, 2007 21:00

GG posted;
Don't really know why our respected forum member SR45 recommends buying off the Dell site
The OP stated a preference due to financing.
Posting at same time:smileywink:

Message Edited by contrvlr on 01-23-200705:38 PM

381 Posts

January 23rd, 2007 21:00

Don't really know why our respected forum member SR45 recommends buying off the Dell site. In my limited experience they charge substantially more for identical cards which can be bought from reliable outfits such as and
Also, unless I finally need eye glasses at the age of 40 :-), I thought I saw the 7800 GS requiring an AGP 4x or 8x slot, and I doubt you have one in your XPS 400.
Finally, my precious recommendation :-), and please note it's coming from someone who originally had the exact card you have (the 6800). Get either a 7900 GS or 7900 GT for $150-$250 from the above mentioned sites and you will see a massive improvement relative to your existing card. When I bought my 7900s they ran $200 apiece but I noticed of late prices have dropped under $200.
Let me know if you have more questions Lisa.
PS: Correction on the remark about the buying from the Dell site, did not notice the credit issue first. But I believe you still can buy the 7900 GS for $286 off that site - that is what I have been quoted for it 3 weeks ago.

Message Edited by GeekyG on 01-23-200705:36 PM

January 23rd, 2007 21:00

Thanks for the quick response.  Is there really that much of a difference in cards with the same amount of memory?  What can I expect?
I looked at both cards mentioned.  Will they both work with Vista?  Also on the money side, the 7800 GS would definately be on the high end of what I'm willing to spend right now.  Is there anything in between the two?

12.1K Posts

January 23rd, 2007 21:00

" Money is an issue "  This one is from Dells sales site.  The 7600 GT pci-express is much better than the 6800 card, but you can still do better.  I'll check some more from the Dell site to see if they have something that is in your price range.  I would not get anything less than the above.  Spend more and get this one
If you go lower, than you might as well keep the 6800 card until money becomes more available
Dim 4400
2.6 Ghz 400 FSB
1 Gb 2100 DDR memory
Windows XP Home
120 Gb Seagate 7,200 drive
24 inch 2407 WFP
16x DVD-R
410 watt ( PcPower&Cooling )

Message Edited by SR45 on 01-23-200706:04 PM

1.4K Posts

January 23rd, 2007 23:00

That's what I thought.  Hmmm...Connect to the power supply.  I hope that's something easy enough for my husband to figure out how to do.  Is there something in the XPS manual that would show a picture of how to connect something to the power supply?
Should be easy enough, the 6 pin pcie connector is marked P12 and is usually bundled at the bottom of the case.

381 Posts

January 23rd, 2007 23:00

I assume my current card is in a PCI slot.  I would want to remove that & install new in same slot since I really have no idea what's available back there but I know it's not much.>>
Yes, you are correct, both are PCIex16 cards. The only difference is you MUST connect the 7900 GS or GT to the computer's PSU (whereas the 6800 draws power from the MOBO) but that is very easy (power cable already available, and the 7900 GS and GTs come with their own power cable anyway)
As I asked the other person...will the 7900 GS or GT work with Vista?
Yes, absolutely, they have more than enough power for that.

381 Posts

January 23rd, 2007 23:00

GG posted;
Don't really know why our respected forum member SR45 recommends buying off the Dell site
The OP stated a preference due to financing.
Posting at same time >>
I guess I do need glasses after all, don't I???? :-)

January 23rd, 2007 23:00

Should be easy enough, the 6 pin pcie connector is marked P12 and is usually bundled at the bottom of the case.>>
Thanks, I'm sure he'd be able to figure it out.  Of course now I have to tell him that I'm thinking about upgrading the video card.  He's gonna love me!  LOL!

January 23rd, 2007 23:00

Yes, you are correct, both are PCIex16 cards. The only difference is you MUST connect the 7900 GS or GT to the computer's PSU (whereas the 6800 draws power from the MOBO) but that is very easy (power cable already available, and the 7900 GS and GTs come with their own power cable anyway)>>
That's what I thought.  Hmmm...Connect to the power supply.  I hope that's something easy enough for my husband to figure out how to do.  Is there something in the XPS manual that would show a picture of how to connect something to the power supply?

381 Posts

January 24th, 2007 00:00

That's what I thought.  Hmmm...Connect to the power supply.  I hope that's something easy enough for my husband to figure out how to do.  Is there something in the XPS manual that would show a picture of how to connect something to the power supply?
Yes, their shape factor is such that you can't go wrong ... all you(or your husband) have to do is look for the power connector inside the case and plug it in.
Let us know how it goes!

January 24th, 2007 12:00

Yes, their shape factor is such that you can't go wrong ... all you(or your husband) have to do is look for the power connector inside the case and plug it in.
Let us know how it goes!>>
Thanks again.  I'll have to decide which card I want and then hopefully he won't get too mad at me if I order it.

12.1K Posts

January 24th, 2007 14:00

Don't worry GeekyG, I have made the same mistake from time to time, not reading the post more carefully.  Must be those speed reading courses that we paid so much for.  Does not work as claimed  :smileyvery-happy:

January 24th, 2007 14:00

I have a few more questions.  I'm looking at the 7900 GS as I'm not sure I want to spend the extra for the GT.
Dell shows 2 7900 GS's.  One is PNY Technologies for $199.00 and the other is XFX for $209.00.  What's the difference?
I currently have a Dell 2005FPW monitor connected to the video card via a DVI cable.  Am I correct in assuming that either card I buy can connect the same say?

381 Posts

January 24th, 2007 15:00

Dell shows 2 7900 GS's.  One is PNY Technologies for $199.00 and the other is XFX for $209.00.  What's the difference?
I currently have a Dell 2005FPW monitor connected to the video card via a DVI cable.  Am I correct in assuming that either card I buy can connect the same say?
Look at the specs, and look at the description. Are both of them EXACTLY GeForce 7900 GS, or is the more expensive one a geforce 7900 GS OC (overclocked)? Factory overclocking does not matter, you can do it yourself safely within the nvidia control panel later, if you so choose.
Other than that, look at what each box contains. Some manufacturers throw in additional "goodies", like games and trial software. If you don't care about either, go with the least expensive.
Finally, pay close attention to the warranty, and go with the card that has a better warranty policy.
As for the DVI port, I'd be shocked if either card din't have at least one DVI port. On mine, both ports are DVI.
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